For Sale - 02-03 Explorer Sport / Sport Trac Manual transmission swap kit COMPLETE | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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For Sale 02-03 Explorer Sport / Sport Trac Manual transmission swap kit COMPLETE

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What all do you have left?
Everything to do the swap. Only thing is I cut the reverse light switch plug off the harness. Needed it in a hurry for another truck. A new one can be spliced in easily. I have to check what transmissions I have left. I know I have a 2wd one, might have sold the 4x4 one.

Everything to do the swap. Only thing is I cut the reverse light switch plug off the harness. Needed it in a hurry for another truck. A new one can be spliced in easily. I have to check what transmissions I have left. I know I have a 2wd one, might have sold the 4x4 one.
How much for all of it

Yeah I got both 2wd and 4x4 transmissions still. I really don't want to ship though.

Yeah I got both 2wd and 4x4 transmissions still. I really don't want
Ok how much for all of it with 4 wheel drive transmission and transfer case? May make a weekend out of the drive over to get it. It's like a 8hr drive to Virginia Beach from here

Ok how much for all of it with 4 wheel drive transmission and transfer case? May make a weekend out of the drive over to get it. It's like a 8hr drive to Virginia Beach from here
$800 for complete swap stuff, 4x4 trans and auto tcase picked up in va beach. Ive got a manual tcase case out of a level 2 ranger I could work a deal on as well.

That's a smoking good deal.

That's a smoking good deal.
I know, its crazy I've held on to some of this stuff as long as I have. Guess it helps I have a 3000sqft shop with pallet racks lol. If I had time to deal with shipping I'm sure this would have moved by now. All this stuff i have has low miles considereding it's been on my shelf inside for years. None of it has been outside since removed. Looking at moving in the next few years so need to start clearing out. Anything I can ship I'll be putting on Ebay soon.
