02 ford explorer no power to gauges windows or radio for about 30 seconds after start | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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02 ford explorer no power to gauges windows or radio for about 30 seconds after start


New Member
June 2, 2015
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Lehigh fl.
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 ford explorer 2wd
hi, i recently purchased an 02 ford explorer (ive heard it might be considered an 03 because it was made in march of 02) the problem imhaving is once i turn the key on to the run position or start it theres no power to the windows radio odometer or gauges for about 30 seconds. then i hear a click and everything springs to life. ive already tested and verified all the fuses the battery saver relay and the delayed accessory relay.
any help is greatly appreciated thanks!
