02 XLS something weird has occurred | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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02 XLS something weird has occurred

G Dunn

Elite Explorer
January 9, 2025
Reaction score
City, State
Anchorage Alaska
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Explorer XLS
So I changed all 4 wheels today, nothing crazy just swapped rims and tires........... then when to move the vehicle and now 2 wheels do not turn. Front right and rear left are not turning doesn't matter 4wd Auto, 4h or 4l nada........... totally baffled.

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When the vehicle was jacked up did the wheels spin?

When the vehicle was jacked up did the wheels spin?
Yes, I'm going to put it back on stands tomorrow and see what happens.
I drove it a few minutes before changing the rims.

So is what youre saying theyre dragging? Once its up on stands we will know more.

So is what youre saying theyre dragging? Once its up on stands we will know more.
So once I got it on the ground with the wheels replaced, started up the truck put it in gear and it wouldn't move, got to looking and only two wheels would turn driver front and passenger rear. switched it through all 3 4wd settings, and tried reverse and drive same thing truck wouldn't move.

The truck drove to the spot from front of house to rear of house prior to changing the tires without issues. It's January in Alaska so I swapped to my studded tires.

Previous owner had it on 22's, I put the stock rims back on it today, it did take some force to break the lugs loose as they appeared to be previously installed with air wrench but that shouldn't have damaged anything should it?

The stock rims, are 15" or 16"?

If you bought them off CL, I would check all four.

So I changed all 4 wheels today, nothing crazy just swapped rims and tires........... then when to move the vehicle and now 2 wheels do not turn. Front right and rear left are not turning doesn't matter 4wd Auto, 4h or 4l nada........... totally baffled
Are the calipers stock?

Pull all the wheels off, but a lug nut on to hold the rotors and/or drums, and see if everything moves on the jackstands. If so, start checking where the wheels are hitting

Ok so it turns out previous owner had mixed 2 15's in with the OE 16's, this is the problem, the wheels will mount but won't clear everything. Idiot mistake....... I knew that just changing rims shouldn't have insane results like this.
