03 Mounty Mods | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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03 Mounty Mods


Active Member
October 25, 2008
Reaction score
I have an 03 Mounty V-8 and am cosidering these mods......

1. Trick-Flow Plenum
2. fabbed air tube for factory airbox
3. 2.5 or 3" exhaust with (probably) flowmaster muff.
4. hypertech max energy programmer
5. Shorty headers(if I can find em)
6. free flow cats(if I get headers) and new downpipes.
7. Possibly new throttle body and MAF

If anyone has done any one or a combination of these mods, please reply with your results, such as did you notice a difference, how hard was it to do. I realize some of these are not bolt ons, but having been a hot rodder for years, I am not afraid of a little fab work.


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why not let james hook u up with some tunes instead of those guys; support the site, and James is the man....

Free flow cats arent worth the money so unless you need new cats dont bother

TB and MAF with what else you plan on doing isn't worth the money either.

Perhaps if u want max performance you should look into a blower.

A Blower is very good possibility later, but i plan to stay nat. aspirated at this time. I already have the programmer from a friends Mounty that was wrecked. I've flashed my mounty and am VERY impressed. I also may install a set of Mustang heads, and building a set of long tube headers instead of using pre-made shorties. Thanks for the info on the MAF and TB, usually i buy a stock replacement TB and port/polish it myself( keeping the original in case I mess it up)

I will post some pics soon.....the outside is bone stock except for Toyo Open Country A/T's......I'll get some underhood and underbody pics as soon as there's something good to see.
