08 Explorer 4.0l condenser replacement | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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08 Explorer 4.0l condenser replacement


Active Member
January 25, 2015
Reaction score
City, State
Oklahoma, OK
Year, Model & Trim Level
2017 Explorer Sport
I probably need to replace the AC condenser and AC compressor in my 08 v6 explorer. The orifice tube keeps getting clogged with what I think is “Black Death”. I have replaced the orifice tube 2 times now and each time it was clogged.

I am having a hard time finding instructions or videos on replacing the condenser on this model year.

Would I be able to just remove the fan shroud, remove the bolts that hold the radiator in, push back the radiator and then remove the condenser? Or will I need to remove the fan clutch, blade and radiator completely to remove the condenser?

Any advice will be helpful! Thanks in advance.

Sorry, this was posted in another area, but I thought it would be seen better here on the HVAC area.
