Okay, lift is in.....
Battling the rain did not help.
With the rear A/C, the lines are attached to the body, so no issues there during the lift.
The Harbor Freight oil filter clamping pliers were very useful on the front, rear and the body mounts behind the front axle.
Front two bolts are the worst, the recess traps rust flakes, which does not let the PB blaster work. I would suggest removing the top nut and washer, blowing out the recess with air nozzle (wear eye protection, and be prepared to make a mess), then treating with PB blaster or your favorite penetrating oil.
Even though I bought the oil filter clamping pliers at Harbor Freight, I still could not clamp the two mounts under the 2nd row floor board. My solution was a big pair of curved jaw clamping pliers clamped to the edge of the large threaded washer, and jammed against the frame. That actually held against a 24" breaker bar.
Lower shroud was more annoying to remove that I thought it would be with the lower line attached to the shroud.
After pulling the 2nd row seats, we ended up just pulling all the seats to vacuum and clean the carpet. That made things even easier.