How to: - 1.5" body lift for less than $50 | Page 7 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to: 1.5" body lift for less than $50

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For holding onto the pucks. I tried channel locks and it was too awkward trying to hold onto those and loosening the bolts (from the top/inside the vehicle). Locking pliers allows you to grab the pucks with them and brace the handles against the frame, then you can focus on loosening the bolts.

As far the the bolt measurements: I sold all my old body bolts and lift blocks from when I had this lift installed to Lynchywa. I sent him a PM to see if he could measure them...will post up the measurements when I get them.

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Pmm'd back mate!

For holding onto the pucks. I tried channel locks and it was too awkward trying to hold onto those and loosening the bolts (from the top/inside the vehicle). Locking pliers allows you to grab the pucks with them and brace the handles against the frame, then you can focus on loosening the bolts.

As far the the bolt measurements: I sold all my old body bolts and lift blocks from when I had this lift installed to Lynchywa. I sent him a PM to see if he could measure them...will post up the measurements when I get them.

i ordered the blocks for 4.99 ea at independent 4x a local shop and the bolts at fastenal($15) all the 10.9.... im only doing the 1.5 for now so i just followed this wonderful howto sticky

Posted the below also in the first post:

For those people who needed to know the bolt lengths (if they didn't want to re-use some of their factory bolts), here are ALL the bolt lengths needed to complete the lift (thanks Lynchy!):

A- 120 mm
B- 150 mm
C- 110 mm
D- 120 mm
E- 130 mm

do you know what the sizes are in inches? bc mils is making it hard for me to try and find out what bolt i need.

is there any difference in the ride with the body lift on?

I see your planning on a 3" bmeadow, id definitely recommend only a 1.5" bodylift if you aren't going to run the mini van style running boards or else that much of the frame below the truck (to me) looks silly. Just my $.02

I see your planning on a 3" bmeadow, id definitely recommend only a 1.5" bodylift if you aren't going to run the mini van style running boards or else that much of the frame below the truck (to me) looks silly. Just my $.02

Agreed I'm doing 1.5" it cost me $40 to buy everything locally (fastenal and independent4x) and I'm also custom making sliders for it to hide all that frame....

oh yeah ive changed my mind a while back about the 3 in, ive been reading this forum lately and now about to have the parts for the 1.5 lift.

i really want my lift on my truck to look like yours kazer, it looks good!

thanks bmeadow! your truck is coming together nicely aswell

Ok I'm trying to get the center bolts and I can't for the life of me hold the bottom on either side...
I have a cordless impact but it just spins
Please help ASAP
I'm tempted to tack it to the frame

If you got one of those oil filter vice grips you can grab the "puck" with that and brace the handle against the frame so it will hold the puck when you turn the bolt loose.

Either that or tack weld a piece of rebar to the puck and use that has a handle or brace it against the frame.

If you got one of those oil filter vice grips you can grab the "puck" with that and brace the handle against the frame so it will hold the puck when you turn the bolt loose.

Either that or tack weld a piece of rebar to the puck and use that has a handle or brace it against the frame.

Tacked a small rod between puck and frame beside it... Came right out now catching hell with front two I really hate to take off the bumper.....
Edit- thought more people would have this issue the wrench held every other one fine but that one

I see your planning on a 3" bmeadow, id definitely recommend only a 1.5" bodylift if you aren't going to run the mini van style running boards or else that much of the frame below the truck (to me) looks silly. Just my $.02

i didnt have running boards/ side steps on mine, but i did have these plastic "frame hiders" that came on stockers w/ no side steps they hide like 3/4 of the frame.
cant find a good pic of them but they mount along the rocker panel

Tacked a small rod between puck and frame beside it... Came right out now catching hell with front two I really hate to take off the bumper.....
Edit- thought more people would have this issue the wrench held every other one fine but that one

Glad it worked. Yeah the front two were the hardest ones for me because you have a nut on the top in addition to the threaded puck.

I know it's more work to remove the bumper but it will make your life easier with those front two body mounts, seriously.

Glad it worked. Yeah the front two were the hardest ones for me because you have a nut on the top in addition to the threaded puck.

I know it's more work to remove the bumper but it will make your life easier with those front two body mounts, seriously.

Yeah I think the bumper is coming off and BTW I have a nut on top of front two but no threaded puck on front just a plate of flat steel..

There is a threaded puck on the front...I am not 100% sure where it is in the stack of things that make up the front mount but it might be at the bottom right near the bolt head or just above it. Basically it's like they flipped the body mount over for the fronts. Take the nut off first and then grab the puck and loosen the bolt.

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There is a threaded puck on the front...I am not 100% sure where it is in the stack of things that make up the front mount but it might be at the bottom right near the bolt head or just above it. Basically it's like they flipped the body mount over for the fronts. Take the nut off first and then grab the puck and loosen the bolt.

Yeah right after I said that I saw it when the bumper was removed Def worth pulling off...

Im off today and am about to. start installation of lift blocks did two hours or so of call it prep last night so body will be jacked up ASAP should be done by tonight for sure...
