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$1 Menu and Fast Food Deals...


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Elite In Memoriam
March 4, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
anaheim hills,california
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 ranger 4x4/ 91 X 4x4
..This is for all us cheap fools who have busy schedules, on the road, in school, and live by the nutrition of the fast food joints...:burnout:

...If you have a favorite item, see a special deal, or hear of a new item, post them here...

...I myself am not a BK fan but have found myself going there for their tolerable $1 Dbl. Cheeseburger and I have suddenly become a fan of their $1 side salad w/ dressing... and if you ask nicely, they will give you free bag of croutons...:D

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I much prefer the BK double cheese to the McDouble. The McDouble is a greasy mess. The BKDC is much better, and the mustard is better too. :D

I agree on the side salad- I've grown fond of those too, I'm trying to eat less junk.

...I started getting the side salads because I don't like the BK fries...:thumbdwn:

...BK also just recently got rid of their cheesy tot's...

I agree in on the terrible fries

their onion rings too

strawberry cheesecake they used to carry

That was pretty good cheesecake...

The McDonalds sausage biscuit in the morning isn't bad, haven't had the BK sausage biscuit yet, but McDonalds does have a pretty good biscuit... Those are pretty good for a buck.

Most Mcdonalds will put the "Secret sauce" from a Big mac onto a Mc Double for free if you ask. = Dollar Big Mac minus the middle bun :D

...BK has a killer Dutch Apple Pie for $1...:biggthump

McDonald's plans $1 breakfast menu

The fries are changing again in California...

New Laws 2010: California bans trans fat in restaurants

...Just before New Years I went to Del Taco and got a meal with fries...As I was receiving the bag in my truck I smelled what was like when they have not changed the frier grease when cooking fish...

...I asked about their change practices and they said it was the new oil...It is a soy bean base in order to keep within the new trans fat ban...

lately i have been passing on the fries cuase for the last couple years they have sucked guess i will really pass on the fries now.


...El Pollo Loco...

Taco Al Carbon .79 cents

Quesadilla $1 but, they quit selling the spicey one today...

..They also started selling grilled steak today but it's $$$$

3 cheese and steak quesadilla $5.99

Steak bowl $4.99

They also have steak tacos and such, all flame grilled..:dunno:

...7-11 alert...

..Chocodiles are up to .79 cents each now...

...and they have their own brand of Kettle cooked chips they sell for .79 cents for a 1.5 oz. bag...Major brands there have gone up to $1.29...I suggest the kettle cooked Jalepeno chips..

...7-11 alert...

..Chocodiles are up to .79 cents each now...

...and they have their own brand of Kettle cooked chips they sell for .79 cents for a 1.5 oz. bag...Major brands there have gone up to $1.29...I suggest the kettle cooked Jalepeno chips..

Grab me 2 dozen please of the chocodiles.

I'm on the Atkin's diet. The $1.00 double cheeseburger plain at BK works well. For $2.00 I can get 1/2 pound of grilled meat with cheese.

...I do not go to JambaJuice but I ran across this and thought it would warm some up...:D

JambaJuice currently has oatmeal for $1 on Wednesdays...

...Free, kinda...

..Fatburger Tuesdays...Buy a Fatburger deal and get a free Fatburger...:biggthump

You know out here on the west coast, you can't really beat Del Taco, way better then Taco bell, and they have taco tuesdays where you get 3 for a $1:thumbsup: Also I do like there Double Del with Bacon, and they have Crinkle frys:cool:

I want to try Del Taco so bad. It was like Sonic back in the day- I couldn't have it, I always hear about it, and they're not here. Now Sonic is here- been there done that, and now I want Del Taco.

I've never had Chocodiles. I need to try those. Tomorrow. :)

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