I made some more progress over the weekend...
Trimmed the cross member for some clearance
The i installed the high steer, set up for chevy 1-ton TRE's. i had to shorten the tie rod a bit.
the problem was, the high steer kit was TOO high. with the springs installed, and sitting on the ground at ride height, the tie rod was only about 2" below the frame, and 1.5" below the pitman arm..
that won't do at all....
...so i did this.
after cutting the high steer knuckles, i ground a real nice groove in them to weld in, so it's still "solid" steel. no air pockets. then i plated the bottom side of each one with 3/16" plate where i welded it.
re-installed it. springs are once again out and it's no longer at "ride height"
Also, got the ram assist squeezed in behind the tie rod
here's a couple more pictures
after that i installed a transmission filter and new seal (it was leaking)
i was also going to replace my transfer case because i thought the rear output bearing was bad.. turned out the flange nut was just loose. tightened it up and its fine now durr!!
and i tore into the leaf spring packs in the rear.. going to shuffle in some of the leaves from the front, get a tiny bit more height and slightly stiffer out of it (plus one of my leaves was cracked and needed to be replaced)
i also "clearanced" the body a tiny bit where the rear driveshaft u joint at the t-case is.. it would rub sometimes, for some reason.
so all i have left is to finish the rear leaves, build the pan-hard bar, and hook up the lines to the ram assist... and a few other details, almost done!
got to get done in time for TDS... first weekend in march. anybody else going?
is anybody fallowing this thread?