10'' subwoofer?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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10'' subwoofer??


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August 19, 2010
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San Diego, California
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 xlt
hey everyone i was wondering if one 10'' kenwood sub running at 300w rms in a ported box would give enough bass for my 96 ford explorer.

i usually listen to dubstep, drum n bass, some rock and ska and alll that good stuff.


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hey everyone i was wondering if one 10'' kenwood sub running at 300w rms in a ported box would give enough bass for my 96 ford explorer.

i usually listen to dubstep, drum n bass, some rock and ska and alll that good stuff.


read what i just wrote in this thread :)


and to answer you're question, it depends on what you consider "enough bass" most 10" car woofers with 300 watts will play really loud. if you want deep bass that's another story (again, read what i wrote in the other thread)

The keep it simple answer is: Nobody is going to be able to tell you if it will be enough. You'll just have to listen and find out. Most competent car audio shops have a host of vehicle owned by the installers and salespeople that they will let you listen to. Find one with a similar setup to what you are looking at. For the type of music you listen to, (and this is a big generalization drawn from past experience) you will likely want a little more in a vehicle the size of an Explorer. I would recommend a single 12 (my favorite solution) or more likely for you as long as you don't mind giving up the space (although ported boxes tend to be larger, you would need the space for 2 subs instead of 1), 2 10's in a sealed enclosure with a little more power. This will yield a little more accuracy for techno-type music, than a ported box. Ported enclosures, while being louder, are more limited in their dynamic range, and generally not as "tight and punchy". What this means is they are louder at a specific frequency range depending on how the box is tuned, say from 40hz 75hz. Outside of this range they will be noticeably quieter and less accurate. They also do not have the air pressure of the enclosure to help act as a shock absorber to support the coil like a sealed enclosure does. As such, the sub cannot stop and start as quickly, which can translate into some of the notes bleeding together. Some people cannot hear the difference, others prefer one over the other. I, for one prefer sealed boxes, though they also have their minuses, such as generally needing more power for the amp, and generally being quieter than their ported counterparts. Again, you'll just have to listen to a few setups to decide what you like. Well designed ported enclosures can sound just as good as a sealed enclosure in the right application, and poorly designed sealed boxes can sound REALLY bad.

i usually listen to dubstep, drum n bass, some rock and ska and alll that good stuff.

If you listen to dubstep/drum & bass type stuff, it wont' be enough, you'll be yearning for more...

The closest type of music I listen to is a bunch of Daft Punk's live stuff, mostly Alive 2007 and I'd say 500 watts rms is gonna be what you'd want to aim for... I know I run 700 watts rms and it JUST tends to be a little to much sometimes, but I'd rather have more than not enough, you can always set the gain lower and/or tune it so it's not so bass heavy...

But a single 10" and 300 watts isn't gonna be enough, maybe a single 10" and 500" but I think 300 watts rms just wont' be enough if you like to feel the beat like you do at concerts.

For the type of music you listen to...I'd go with a sealed enclosure. a 10W6 at 500w will give you all you can handle.

The keep it simple answer is: Nobody is going to be able to tell you if it will be enough. You'll just have to listen and find out. Most competent car audio shops have a host of vehicle owned by the installers and salespeople that they will let you listen to. Find one with a similar setup to what you are looking at. For the type of music you listen to, (and this is a big generalization drawn from past experience) you will likely want a little more in a vehicle the size of an Explorer. I would recommend a single 12 (my favorite solution) or more likely for you as long as you don't mind giving up the space (although ported boxes tend to be larger, you would need the space for 2 subs instead of 1), 2 10's in a sealed enclosure with a little more power. This will yield a little more accuracy for techno-type music, than a ported box. Ported enclosures, while being louder, are more limited in their dynamic range, and generally not as "tight and punchy". What this means is they are louder at a specific frequency range depending on how the box is tuned, say from 40hz 75hz. Outside of this range they will be noticeably quieter and less accurate. They also do not have the air pressure of the enclosure to help act as a shock absorber to support the coil like a sealed enclosure does. As such, the sub cannot stop and start as quickly, which can translate into some of the notes bleeding together. Some people cannot hear the difference, others prefer one over the other. I, for one prefer sealed boxes, though they also have their minuses, such as generally needing more power for the amp, and generally being quieter than their ported counterparts. Again, you'll just have to listen to a few setups to decide what you like. Well designed ported enclosures can sound just as good as a sealed enclosure in the right application, and poorly designed sealed boxes can sound REALLY bad.

yea i agree on having one 12, i think that would be enough for me but for now i think i can live with one 10'' in a ported box. once i start making money ill eventually ether get another 10 or sell what i have and but a 12 but thanks for the in depth response man!

I've got a 10W7 in my Z that I believe is 1000 watts. It's a bit overkill in such a small car, but I'm pretty happy with it. I need to get something installed in my explorer, but I don't want to sacrifice cargo space.

I've got 2 12w6 v2 with an alpine 1000mini. makes lots of noise inside and out. I've been thinking about upgrading the alternator from the 90amp to a 135amp. I've already got an optima yellow top helping the cause but other than that the car dies on heavy heavy bass

I'm running 1/10 with 500 RMS in my Ranger ex cab. Its plenty loud in a sealed box. I'm building a ported box for it thats tuned to 30 hz. It should be 3 db louder in it without losing my lows. The right box makes a lot of difference.
