16/17 PI Utility DRL Lamp Housing Discoloration | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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16/17 PI Utility DRL Lamp Housing Discoloration


Elite Explorer
February 22, 2011
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2021 Explorer ST
I got this today from one of my contacts at a large US Police Fleet. Just something for the guys with PI Utility's to be aware of and watch for.

Another issue that surfaced recently, here -- might keep a lookout for it-- only on the LED headlamp units 2016, with daylight running lights--

Lense- mostly the right side is discoloring-- I think it’s from UV’s from the LED- as it patterns to the light being emitted from the bulb--causing the plastic to discolor or haze-- its on the inner section of the headlamp- we cleaned the outside - no difference.



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That's not good, especially since its on the inside(no easy way to correct it).

I question the cause though - UV from LED.
I thought LED's emitted less UV and IR compared to a halogen.

Can you confirm its hazing of the plastic and not moisture?
Wonder if this will become an issue with the civilian version. They have the same headlights, don't they?

Confirmed not moisture.

Im guessing DRL will have to become the signature strip LED around the lens now like the Charger Pursuit does.

They don't run the inside housing LED bulb for DRL.

The fleet manager that provided the info has sent 10 of the housings back to CAP for analysis so we shall see.

The other issue for Ford is that housing is one of their more expensive housings given the engineering that went into the design and function. Replacing a large amount isnt cheap.

Makes me glad I don't use my DRL's very often. Hope they can figure out a good long term solution.

Makes me glad I don't use my DRL's very often. Hope they can figure out a good long term solution.
Shouldn't take long to see if this is indeed going to be a widespread problem on 2016/17 models since DRLs are mandatory here. I don't think it would be isolated to just the PIU since they seem to be the same as the regular models in that regard.


Yikes, I run with the low beam DRL on my civilian model. I'll have to keep an eye on this--thanks.

There is a great video on YouTube by ChrisFix on how to fix this problem if anyone has one of these affected cars.

Has there been any update on this? I have a 16 with no DRL and my right side is affected but not my left.

That's interesting-- The mottling really makes it appear to be moisture even though the OP said it was confirmed to not be moisture. It might have to do with the pics being taken in the dark with the headlights on in the first photos, those headlights almost look mildewed.

True discoloration would be degradation of the plastic such as pitting, crazing, melting, or yellowing, and it doesn't really look like any of those things. Methanol certainly wouldn't be able to clean-away degradation, either, but as a reasonably gentle organic solvent, it would potentially work really well on residue resulting from condensation inside the headlight.

I wonder if these are two different problems, or if the OP's problem technically wasn't moisture (obvious beads of water clinging to the interior of the headlight lens), because it was the dried residue left behind by condensation.

That's interesting-- The mottling really makes it appear to be moisture even though the OP said it was confirmed to not be moisture. It might have to do with the pics being taken in the dark with the headlights on in the first photos, those headlights almost look mildewed.

True discoloration would be degradation of the plastic such as pitting, crazing, melting, or yellowing, and it doesn't really look like any of those things. Methanol certainly wouldn't be able to clean-away degradation, either, but as a reasonably gentle organic solvent, it would potentially work really well on residue resulting from condensation inside the headlight.

I wonder if these are two different problems, or if the OP's problem technically wasn't moisture (obvious beads of water clinging to the interior of the headlight lens), because it was the dried residue left behind by condensation.

Mine looked very similar to Sgt's post in the beginning with the lights on. Mine was some kind of grunge buildup that slowly dissolved with the methanol. It does seem like any normal condensation in the housing pooled the grunge and made the lines and spots. After cleaning my "bad" housing I can now tell the other housing has some more even buildup without the spotting, but not nearly as noticeable until I saw what a crystal clear lens looked like. Next time the front clip is off I'll get that one too. I'm just happy it can be fixed because light output was definitely diminished.
