1987 3.0L Aerostar engine project. | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1987 3.0L Aerostar engine project.

You in luck. These should have a little trading value. How do I remove them? Are they kind of bolted in like Fox body Mustang pedals or are they more like 1960s-70s with a fat through rod welded to the clutch pedal and slides through the brake pedal? I'm sure that it's not difficult. The worst part is laying up in there to get to them. Clutch pedal is down and stuck.
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Either remove the 4 nuts from the firewall and remove it as an assembly or as you said, remove the rod and the pedals come out. As an assembly is better as it keeps all the washers with the unit

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Yeah, if you want to remove the auto one with the pedal attached to the brake pedal brace, we can do it that way. That is probably best since they are different years and a brake pedal brace from an auto might have a difference that the manual set up. I think that the firewalls are the same. I'll take pictures first and post them here before I remove the assembly.
I'll be turning this '87 in to a '99 Aerostar, lol.

Yeah, if you want to remove the auto one with the pedal attached to the brake pedal brace, we can do it that way. That is probably best since they are different years and a brake pedal brace from an auto might have a difference that the manual set up. I think that the firewalls are the same. I'll take pictures first and post them here before I remove the assembly.
I'll be turning this '87 in to a '99 Aerostar, lol.
I think the 86-91 are the same, I'll get the complete assembly and a rubber plug for the clutch hole in the firewall.

I can't remember what year your van is...
Hopefully Friday morning, the '99 Ranger with the donor drivetrain will be going to the shop. I will have a parking spot under the newest, 2-year-old carport. I have found an old school machinist that is ~ 10 years older than me. His son works with him so I would think that this machine shop will be going for a couple of more decades. I'm going to have them install hardened valve seats before the engine makes it into the Aerostar. They are not currently bad on this 107K engine. Just preventative medicine.

I still need one more one more 1997 Explorer 15" steel, spare type wheel to have a set of 4 for the '87 Ranger project. I think that
the '99 Ranger center caps will snap on to the special Explorer lug nuts. @Josh P do you happen to have one in your extra parts?
97ex spare steel wheel.webp

All my wheels are aluminum
