1992 Mazda Navajo yet again being reborn | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1992 Mazda Navajo yet again being reborn

Kris Guilbeaux

Elite Demon Secretary
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 12, 1999
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City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 Nav, 99 Mounty, 98 Ex
Thats right my 1992 Mazda Navajo is being reworked for another time. The First step I chose to take was a refreshed Body with a custom Paint job. Also on the plans are to install new Front axle that I have Built with Cut and Turned Beams and f-150 knuckles. Rebuild the rear axle with larger bolt pattern to match Front useing Dutchman Axle shafts. I hope yall guys forgive me but I have no plans to use it off-road after it is complete. This is my Daily Driver and It more or less going to be for show. Even though its more show its going to have every thing it needs to make it go. Its going to be set up for off-road and can be used any day off road I just have chose to drive it on the Road.

Pictures of paint work




The Front axle



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Nice Kris. Looks like some great components going into that thing.

I have not even gone too far in depth with the components yet. But a few other items includes. 35x12.50 17 BFG Mudds, AR teflon Wheels 17x8, 4.56 gears, Detroit locker front, ARB locker Rear, Bilstein 5100 shocks and a few other items.

Why lock it if it's going to be a primarily street/show truck? And why put 44 knuckles on for the same reason? Just seems silly to me. Yeah I know you said it's ready to go off road when you want, but if the plan is to keep it on road then why spend money on parts that probably won't be put to use?

Don't get me wrong, everything looks great, I just don't fully understand the reasoning.

j602 - How did you get your gears done and if you had them done at a shop how much did that cost? I am trying to get my gears done too and need a price range. I was wondering if I should get them done at a shop or get them done myself. I have some friends who are willing to set the gears in but they have just learned how about 6 months ago. They say they are comfortable with seting in the gears but I am wondering how safe it is.

j602 said:
Why lock it if it's going to be a primarily street/show truck? And why put 44 knuckles on for the same reason? Just seems silly to me. Yeah I know you said it's ready to go off road when you want, but if the plan is to keep it on road then why spend money on parts that probably won't be put to use?

Don't get me wrong, everything looks great, I just don't fully understand the reasoning.

Get outta here 2wd Boy! J.k. The Dana 44 TTB Knuckle runs a bigger bearing, which can handle the bigger tires better than the Dana 35 Knuckles Bearing.... IIR there was a thread bout this a awhile back. Should look good when you get done Kris....

What did you hit the lottery? Seems like a lot of money and time to not be used up off road.

Ah that beam sure does look nice!

We are like family! born from the same jig :)
You will LOVE the way it rides.

How much lift (coil) are you planning? I assume stock drop brackets?

ohe_boy said:
j602 - How did you get your gears done and if you had them done at a shop how much did that cost? I am trying to get my gears done too and need a price range. I was wondering if I should get them done at a shop or get them done myself. I have some friends who are willing to set the gears in but they have just learned how about 6 months ago. They say they are comfortable with seting in the gears but I am wondering how safe it is.
Blatant thread hijack! :rolleyes: This is what Private Messages are for.

^^Agreed. Atleast say something about the Navajo!?! :confused:

Looks good Kris. I too don't really understand the reasoning behind buying two of the most expensive lockers for a "street" truck. :p It should look awesome when it is all done. :thumbsup: BTW, you can make up for not wheeling this, if and only if, you wheel the Explorer. ;)

ohe_boy said:
j602 - How did you get your gears done and if you had them done at a shop how much did that cost? I am trying to get my gears done too and need a price range. I was wondering if I should get them done at a shop or get them done myself. I have some friends who are willing to set the gears in but they have just learned how about 6 months ago. They say they are comfortable with seting in the gears but I am wondering how safe it is.

My Reasoning is simple I have Two Explorers. I dont off-road Much any more as there is no were close for me to go. Texas Closed most of teh Best wheeling spots. Plus my Time is a big factor as I work lots of long hours He he. The bigger the Wheel bearings and the stronger it is means I wont break stuff driving it daily.

Thanks for all the kind words this has been a project I been Planning for well over a year. I started buying parts and getting things ready a long time ago.

bmxking5 said:
^^Agreed. Atleast say something about the Navajo!?! :confused:

Looks good Kris. I too don't really understand the reasoning behind buying two of the most expensive lockers for a "street" truck. :p It should look awesome when it is all done. :thumbsup: BTW, you can make up for not wheeling this, if and only if, you wheel the Explorer. ;)

I am using the detroit EZ locker in the Front which are not Expensive when You get them for free. The Front axle that I built this From was givin to me with the 4.56 Gears and the Detroit already in it. And an ARB in the Rear is Good for street cause it only is locked when you need it.

410Fortune said:
Ah that beam sure does look nice!

We are like family! born from the same jig :)
You will LOVE the way it rides.

How much lift (coil) are you planning? I assume stock drop brackets?

I keep forgeting peoples questions. I am going to use a set of 5.5 superlift coils with my 1" spacers I got from bluedogbandit about 4 years ago. I am using my James Duff Drop brackets that are on the truck already. the Rear is going to be sprung over with warrior shackles.

Oh, I was under the assumption you were using a full Detroit and actually had to pay for it! Well, sounds like a good idea to me then, hehe. :D Good luck and like I said before, it will look awesome once it is all done. :thumbsup:

XplorerKid said:
Get outta here 2wd Boy! J.k. The Dana 44 TTB Knuckle runs a bigger bearing, which can handle the bigger tires better than the Dana 35 Knuckles Bearing.... IIR there was a thread bout this a awhile back. Should look good when you get done Kris....

***, I knew exactly what they are for! I just wonder what the point if it was only going to be street driven. Stupid jeepers..... :rolleyes: :D

Okay copy that 6.5" of lift will work with those beams and drop brackets but you will have to use the max camber shims I believe (every trucks a little different)

You sure you want the harsh riding superlift coils? especially on a sport they are STIFF. :) I like soft....Eibach, or Skyjacker....350# spring rate, I believe the Superlifts are like 450#

I think the Skyjacker ones are a little soft in my opinion. so I am gonna try the superlift ones.

RangerX said:
Blatant thread hijack! :rolleyes: This is what Private Messages are for.

Oop, sorry! I sent this message to the wrong person and wrong thread. :confused: Remove if necessary!!

Unless of course he wants to answer the question. :D

ohe_boy said:
Oop, sorry! I sent this message to the wrong person and wrong thread. :confused: Remove if necessary!!

Unless of course he wants to answer the question. :D

I'll be happy to in a PM or another thread! ;)

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Updated Pics.. sorry I am sooooo slow...




and Lastly what I will be Driving now...

