1994 Auto, changed fluid, now no 2nd gear, hard to upshift | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1994 Auto, changed fluid, now no 2nd gear, hard to upshift


October 22, 2008
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Rapid City, SD
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??? ??? ???
I added a transmission fluid temp gauge today. I decided to install it in the side of the pan. So I dropped the pan, installed the sending unit out of the way of internal components, put a new gasket on and re-installed the pan.

When I first started tightening bolts I heard a plastic click. I figured it was something just settling and didn't worry about it. But when I put new fluid in it and test drove it at the proper level it didn't want to upshift. You have to rev it up a bit and then let off the gas and then it will upshift. It's worse uphill and may be worse when warm?

So I dropped the pan again to see if I broke something plastic. I don't see anything wrong visually. There are two solenoids on the front drivers side of the trans. The rear of those is a BOSCH 0260120008, the outer cap where the wires attach can be wiggled a bit from side to side but the solenoid itself stays firmly in place. The wires look good, I see nothing else wrong in there.

So I put the pan back on, re-filled it and same thing. I also noticed that there is no 2nd gear, it goes from 1st to 3rd.

I can think of two scenarios, maybe you can add more?

#1. The solenoid is broken and it controls the broken functions i'm experiencing.

#2. New transmission fluid made it upset and messed with another internal component that is causing these issues.

#3. Do you have another theory or think one of the two I listed is correct?


#2, the 2 solenoids are for lock up and OD (4th gear). Won't have anything to do with no 2nd gear. Can I ask why you installed a temp sensor? What did the fluid look/smell like you drained out? Was there debris in the pan or on the magnet?

Did you accidentally snag the kickdown cable? The base with the adjustment under the hood makes a clicking noise like a ratchet. Is the vacuum line still connected to the vacuum modulator?

Kickdown cable..jpg
