1996 Ranger ABS Problems | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1996 Ranger ABS Problems


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October 13, 2009
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96 ranger
Hello, I’m new to this site I’ve been referencing it today and there’s lots of great information, but I still have some questions. My 1996 ranger ABS light and break light are on. The parking break is released and the switch is working. I unplugged the wires from master cylinder sensor and brake light goes out. The ABS is still on are they tied together in any way? When jumping the fuse for ABS to ground it flashes 11 short 1 long for a total of 12. From my research to day that tells me that the code is 12 (loss of hydraulic fluid during anti-lock stop). When I purchased this truck it had a broken brake line and had been sitting for a while, were able to bleed breaks fine after repairs. I replaced the ABS sensor on top of rear end. Any advice would be great. This truck is rear wheel ABS only.

...A common thing is to have is a leak at the rear brake pistons...;)
