1997 dodge van blower motor question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1997 dodge van blower motor question


Explorer Addict
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Boston, MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
02 EB
ok, on my work van (1997 2500 dodge with a 3.9l V6), the blower only works at top speed, and sometimes doesnt work at all. i pulled the motor out, cleaned it with electric motor cleaner, and put it back in. then i pulled the switch, and metered it out to make sure all of the contacts are working properly. im an electrician, so i have a good grasp of how it SHOULD work, but it just isnt. for some reason the motor only recieves power at the highest setting, and the switch is fine. there is a relay that kicks on, mounted just above the blower, but it also only kicks on in the highest setting. i have NO idea what could be wrong, and there isnt a dodge van enthusiast forum i can ask in, so i figured id give this a try. thanks for the help guys!
