1998 5.0 ex aal and war153 shackles | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1998 5.0 ex aal and war153 shackles


May 19, 2013
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98 Explorer 5.0 AWD
Well the Procomp 13120 AAL kit and Warrior 153 shackles will be in this friday so I will be dissasembling and installing. Any tips or pearls of wisdom on this ahead of time? Next will be the performance accesories PA#883 3" bodylift, Then will be putting some 33x12.50's under it.

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Well the Procomp 13120 AAL kit and Warrior 153 shackles will be in this friday so I will be dissasembling and installing. Any tips or pearls of wisdom on this ahead of time? Next will be the performance accesories PA#883 3" bodylift, Then will be putting some 33x12.50's under it.

i would suggest in swapping the right and left leafs....it will fix the drivers
sag that alot of 1st and 2nd gens have...

good luck with the lift brother


Let's see, if you want to replace the bolts with new ones, they're M14x2x120mm and gives three full threads past the nut with a washer under the head, and a washer and lockwasher under the nylon lock nut, use anti sieze on the bolt grip and use locknuts (don't put anti sieze on the threads if you use nylon locknuts, fine if using distorted thread locknuts), have a bottle jack handy to bend the leaf springs into place, air impacts make your life easier, and if you want to replace the upper shackle bushings, nows the best time.

Edit: Was thinking about some waaaay different bolts when I originally posted M10s.

Thank you both for the suggestions, I plan on swapping sides like you mentioned tenny. thank you i didnt relize the warrior shackles didnt come with the hardware so i guess ill have to get the bolts tommorrow, the stock ones dont fit?

They do, but since the Warrior shackles are thicker, when I got new hardware I just decided to go an extra ten millimeters longer to make 100% sure I had enough thread engagement. I also had installed thicker washers as well as a thicker locknut, so if you're just going for a straight up replacement, then you should be fine. But if you are gonna replace em, class 10.9 zinc plated bolts will last you for a very, very, very long time. Almost eternity if you use anti seize, haha

They do, but since the Warrior shackles are thicker, when I got new hardware I just decided to go an extra ten millimeters longer to make 100% sure I had enough thread engagement. I also had installed thicker washers as well as a thicker locknut, so if you're just going for a straight up replacement, then you should be fine. But if you are gonna replace em, class 10.9 zinc plated bolts will last you for a very, very, very long time. Almost eternity if you use anti seize, haha

ok i will take the advice and go that route. Thanks for the input i appreciate it.

No problem, glad I could help. Now don't forget to show us pictures when you're done!

Having two jacks and a bottle jack are what I needed to do the aal myself. Was a pain in te butt and took me four tries over a mots period I get them done because I was only doing one side at a time. Until j I ally did more research and found out both sides have to be taken out to do it if not they will never line up. I ad bought a set of leaf packs from the junk yard to swap in while I did it so wasn't too bad but still annoying. I would suggest using some type of graphite paint on em. Mine got really squeeky after doing the all to the point where they squeak over any bump. I have paint for em but have been to lazy to take em apart and rebuild them but probably will in the next couple weeks now that schools ending.

No problem, glad I could help. Now don't forget to show us pictures when you're done!

Oh i will dont worry just gonna be a little bit until the whole things finished. Thanks again pics to come soon.

Well took about 2.5 hrs todayand completed the shackles and AAl. I must say no bolts broke everything went smooth. I had to max out the front torsion bolts and got allmost2.25 inches in front and the back is about an inch higher than the front. The rides is alot alot bettter. Next week is the 3 inch body lift "oh good lord i hope that goes as good as the shackles and aal". I will get tpics up tomorrow of phase 1. Phase 2 next week. I will keep you posted. Thanks for all the advise. And yes i did swap passenger to driver side as well.lol

Whoa, you're gonna want to lower your torsion twist a bit. 4WD/AWD should stay 2" or under, otherwise you're gonna be going through CV axles like underwear.

naaa....you can keep your front end right where it is....

i cranked my almost 3in (2.75in) almost 3 months ago, and
no....absolutyely NO problems what soever.....

i will go out on a limb, and say most of these guys that have problems
with going over a 2in TT, are the guys who do some serious off-roading.
(which i DO NOT)....only the beach every weekend....

so if your using your rig to "do some serious off road" ****...????
then watch them closely....if not???....then i think you are fine as wine..

this is just MHO


It's not a matter of how you use the truck, it's that with the CV axles and twisting your torsion bars that much, you're essentially running your axle shafts in permanent droop, and the cv isn't designed to run extended periods at that angle and load. As you preload the torsion bars, you're preloading the entire suspension. This is putting a great deal more load on the weakest part of the IFS.

It's not a matter of how you use the truck, it's that with the CV axles and twisting your torsion bars that much, you're essentially running your axle shafts in permanent droop, and the cv isn't designed to run extended periods at that angle and load. As you preload the torsion bars, you're preloading the entire suspension. This is putting a great deal more load on the weakest part of the IFS.

ok.....ill let you know when mine go bad

= )


well 2.25 in the front with the bolts maxed out there gonna be some settling on both front and rear so I should be around the 2 inch mark after the settling in is all done. Beside i just bought 2 more 98 5.0 liter explorers so cv axles are not a problem. This thing wont be doing anything in the hard offroad department some ocassional beach running is about it. Thanks guys I appreciate all the info.

Got some 305/70/16 nitto terra grappler a/t mounted up today and they fit with minimal trimming basically just the lower front moulding backide of wheel. Now to put the 3 inch body lift or 2inch haven't decided yet. Pics will be up shortly. Thanks Guys

Here she is 3" body lift to go yet, Cowl hood, Rims gonna get done in black yet.

Oh crap, I hope you didn't order these bolts already. I don't know what bolts I was thinking of, but I just installed new ones on my Trac and they're M14x2x120mm. This gives perfect engagement with three threads hanging out using a washer under the head, and a washer and lock washer underneath the nylon lock nut on the other side.

I honestly can't remember what the heck I was thinking of that was M10 by 120mm.

Let's see, if you want to replace the bolts with new ones, they're M10x1.5x110mm (that's stock size or close enough, I used 130mm or 120mm with the Warrior shackles), use anti sieze on the bolt grip and use locknuts (don't put anti sieze on the threads if you use nylon locknuts, fine if using distorted thread locknuts) if you want to replace the tabbed nuts, have a bottle jack handy to bend the leaf springs into place, air impacts make your life easier, and if you want to replace the upper shackle bushings, nows the best time.

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LoL Its no problem i just used stock ones for now. I ordered all the body bolts and ordered 2inch high x 3inch wide spacers today for body lift. Man the bolts were more than the blocks... lol but I will be doing that saturday and then the vigorous process on aligning everything back up.

Oh crap, I hope you didn't order these bolts already. I don't know what bolts I was thinking of, but I just installed new ones on my Trac and they're M14x2x120mm. This gives perfect engagement with three threads hanging out using a washer under the head, and a washer and lock washer underneath the nylon lock nut on the other side.

I honestly can't remember what the heck I was thinking of that was M10 by 120mm.
