1998 Ford Explorer 5.0L - I have been looking for the torque specification for the bolt that attaches the oil filter mount to the engine block. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1998 Ford Explorer 5.0L - I have been looking for the torque specification for the bolt that attaches the oil filter mount to the engine block.


Active Member
January 7, 2010
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 XLT V8
I have not been able to find the torque spec in ether my Haynes or Chilton manuals.

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oil filter adpt.PNG

from the ford manual 98 5.o

I have not been able to find the torque spec in ether my Haynes or Chilton manuals.
According to the Ford Service Manual it's 40-65 ft-lbs. Note that my 98 manual describes this part as an oil cooler, while late 98 models (including mine) did not have a cooler, but just an adapter. So taking a look at the 99 manual may be a good idea.
BTW: I wouldn't expect to find much useful in either Haynes or Chilton books.

Thanks for the help. I will have to look to see if I can find it for an oil cooler in the books, I am curious to know if I have been looking for the wrong key words.

I just selected his vehicle in the ford CD
Then went to engine assembly
Scrolling down to the info he needs

I just selected his vehicle in the ford CD
Then went to engine assembly
Scrolling down to the info he needs
Seems that the CD was updated, so I would trust it more than the printed book. Looks like they also got rid of the confusing range and provided just a single number, like was done for later models Thanks, donalds.

Do you have the 90 degree filter adapter, or, the oil cooler? I strongly suggest deleting the cooler version in favor of the straight thru 90 degree bypass-adapter.

The cooler will give problems down the road at some point, and, the hose replacement on them is a PITA

Do you have the 90 degree filter adapter, or, the oil cooler? I strongly suggest deleting the cooler version in favor of the straight thru 90 degree bypass-adapter.

The cooler will give problems down the road at some point, and, the hose replacement on them is a PITA
It is the 90 degree filter adapter.
