1st gear grinded | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1st gear grinded


New Member
November 15, 2015
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Ranger XLT 4x4
I bought a 2000 ranger 4x4 for only $500 with the only problem being that transmission had gone out. I'm attempting the rebuild myself and ran into a problem. After inspecting all the parts I'm going to need a new input shaft, 3rd/4th slider, 1st/2nd slider and hub, a new 2nd and a new 1st gear. 1st gear is completely grinded down as well as the slider. I've been able to locate only half of the parts. I can't seem to locate 1st gear or the slider and hub for 1st/2nd. Does anyone know of a website that carries 1st gear or the slider for the m5r1 transmission? I've searched everywhere that Google has listed and no luck so far.

I use Rockland Standard Gear. rsgear.com Also have used Transmission Exchange Co. txchange.com. Have you looked on ebay?
