1st gen front lockers | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1st gen front lockers

Justin Klare

Active Member
August 13, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Victoria, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 Eddie Bauer
what is are you running in the ttb dana 35 on a first gen explorer or ranger for a locker?

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Aussie Locker.

Aussie for simplicity. I'd run a TruTrac if money was no factor.


Aussie for simplicity. I'd run a TruTrac if money was no factor.

If money wasn't a factor why wouldn't you get an ARB?

...Aussie in my X....Open in my Ranger...:D

Love my TrueTrac in my d44 and when I had one in the d35, and I will never own an ARB. I've seen more things go wrong with them than I can count on all of my phalanges...

The Aussie has a ton of positive feedback in all respects.

If money wasn't a factor why wouldn't you get an ARB?

ARB is open when disengaged, requires a compressed air source to be plumbed in for engagement (i.e. more moving parts and things to fail). A TruTrac's function is seamless both on the street and off-road. A full on locker like an ARB can sometimes be a little too much for the stock parts on an IFS rig. A TruTrac (or equivalent) is often more forgiving because it does allow some slippage. However, unlike a Detroit or a Trac-Lok, it does, in fact, limit that slip.

In 12 years I've been using ARBs, the only one problem I've ever had was an explosion of the differential locker itself. But never have had a single issue with the compressor, solenoids or air lines (this is on two different vehicles BTW).

It's all in how careful (or careless?) you are while doing the installation.

The compressor works well (although a li'l slow) for airing your tires back up after you've returned to pavement too.
