2.25" vs. 2.5" -- any real difference? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2.25" vs. 2.5" -- any real difference?


Explorer Addict
December 13, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Long Island, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 EB AWD 5.0
Going to be doing the exhaust on the mounty within the next 2 weeks most likely (YAY!). Debating waiting and getting a 2.5" Cat back (MAC or Magnaflow) or just dropping a 40 series on the stock 2.25" pipes.

Any real difference between 2.25" and 2.5" besides sound?

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thats sick id go with 2.5 cuz i did notice it slightly deeper but i really dont think it make a big enough difference id save the cash and throw a 40 series on the stock pipping 50 muchs and ur done

thats sick id go with 2.5 cuz i did notice it slightly deeper but i really dont think it make a big enough difference id save the cash and throw a 40 series on the stock pipping 50 muchs and ur done

that's what i thought. I'll probably do the flowmaster 40 series now and upgrade to a 2.5" system when i do headers and hi flow cats.

Shadowless127 I see you're on Long Island. Do you know of any good exhaust shops on the Island? I'm thinking of doing my exhaust soon too and would like to avoid the typical nationwide exhaust shops as their work usually doesn't last that long. Thanks.

there you go looks like a good setup man headers really break the bank haha

there you go looks like a good setup man headers really break the bank haha

im just gonna do shorrties, and that's about a year or so out... gotta get the wife a new whip, n i wanna pick up a fox body GT to play with.

James909, i'm just taking mine to one of the certified flowmaster shops. I got a quote from a shop in port jeff for 175$ installed for a 40 series.


i noticed a nice improvement from just my 40 series to a custom CAT BACK...

if you got 2.5 pipe, you will get a stronger exhaust note, and your mounty will have alot more TQ in the HIGHER RPM's !!!

i cut my last CAT. and ran 2.5'' pipe to my 40 then 2.5'' pipe to 3'' tip

CAT BACK... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0ah6ZC4GPE

MUFFLER... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xteFO7WFzVc

