Solved - 2000 Ford Explorer XLT 5.0 AWD Modified (Torque Monster headers, etc) | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Solved 2000 Ford Explorer XLT 5.0 AWD Modified (Torque Monster headers, etc)

Prefix for threads that contain problems that have been resolved, and there is an answer within the thread.
I will be back in TN the weekend of Feb 21-23 gathering up all the extras for the truck and cleaning it up, charging up the battery, etc... Perfect time to come and buy it! $2500, perfectly reliable to drive back to anywhere, no problem can pick up a buyer from the local airport if flying in sat/sun. Moving my household permanently down to TX in late May - early June.

Also willing to deal to some degree... $2k + $500 worth of quality brass ammo (10mm/9mm/300blk/556/12g)... Maybe even $1500 + mint quality pistol and ammo. Hit me up. Trying to not drive 3 cars and uhaul down lol.

Still available. Was back a couple weeks ago and put it on a charger then drove around a few miles. Still drives straight as an arrow and sounds great.
