2002 eddie bauer stock amp dimensions | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2002 eddie bauer stock amp dimensions


February 5, 2012
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 explorer 4.6l

I have a 2002 eddie bauer explorer with the Audiophile stereo, I was wondering if any one knows the dimensions of the stock amplifier.

I will be replacing it shortly and would like to have all my gear ready so I only have to take off the rear panel once.
From the pictures I've seen on here the amp looks pretty small. I tried searching but the only dimensions i could find were for pre 2002 explorers.


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after doing some more searching apparently the amp is aprox 7"x3"x1"

the only amp that I could find around this size is the Rockford Fosgate PBR300X1 6-3/4"L x 4-1/4"W x 1-1/2"H.

I may try and make this amp fit. I wont really know for sure I take the back panel off and take some measurements .

for 2002. . .the Main Amp was in the radio for the door speakers. That little amp should be just for the Sub Woofer just so you know.

yeah I should of clarified I was talking about the sub amp. The head unit has already been replaced.



thanks for the info:thumbsup:

I'll be installing the following,

JL 8W1v2-4 for the sub

Rockford Fosgate PBR300X1 for the sub amp

Alpine SPS-610C components for the fronts

Alpine SPS-610 coax for the rears

Dynamat on the door panels

and sub enclosure.

just waiting for all the parts to arrive.


thanks for the info:thumbsup:

I'll be installing the following,

JL 8W1v2-4 for the sub

Rockford Fosgate PBR300X1 for the sub amp

Alpine SPS-610C components for the fronts

Alpine SPS-610 coax for the rears

Dynamat on the door panels

and sub enclosure.

just waiting for all the parts to arrive.

I hate this sort of waiting...

I hate this sort of waiting...

For sure!
I don't get much time to myself now with a family, but just knowing I have some time comming up to install the stereo, feels like a kid leading up to christmas.


Sorry for diggin up my old post, I've finally gotten around to installing my audio gear. I just thought Id post a couple pics of my rockford amp to show it's size and how it fits. in case someone needs a good lil amp that fits in the stock location for a stealth install.


