2002 Explorer stuck in park while turned on. Please help! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2002 Explorer stuck in park while turned on. Please help!


New Member
January 2, 2005
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Kansas City
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Eddie Bauer Explorer
I have an automatic transmission. The last couple of days after turning on my car, I cannot get it to shift out of park while turned on. I have tried for minutes at a time but it does not want to move out of park. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.


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Not trying to make you look like an idiot but did you press on the brake before trying to take it out of park? If so, check the fuses.. I believe there is a fuse for the brake lights that can also prevent you from going into gear. Also check the switch on top of the brake pedal.

:) Yes I push on the brake. I have even brought myself to shaking the car to see if that would help. I will check the fuses.


is there any type of remote start or alarm system installed?

Do the brake lights work?? If not, turn the key to the position where the steering unlocks, but the lights on the dash to not come on, then place the truck in neutral and start it. You will then be able to shift gears, but you still have to figure out why your brake lights don't work.

I had this problem too, it went away I guess. Try pressing fairly hard on the brake pedal. And try pumping the brakes too. Try puling the shift lever towards you then let it return to it's natural position, and sorta jiggling the lever in all directions.

You may also want to try yelling at it. Sometimes that works too.

this happened to a friend of mine ... i helped him out ... turned out to be a cable that inter-locks with the brakes/ gear shift ever

Are the front wheels pointed straight ahead when you shut down? If there is pressure on the steering wheel due to the wheels pointed to the side it could make the car hard to shift out of park...

Ok I took your suggestions, I have checked the number 23 fuse and it checks out to be fine. After discussing with a couple of shops they have also led on that it may be my brake switch. Can anyone direct me to where the switch is located so that I can change it out myself?


It is located on the brake pedal linkage, above where you would put your foot.

I have a 2002 Ford Explorer that was stuck in park. I replaced the STOPLIGHT SWITCH Duralast part number F4862. I got from Autozone for $20. The switch is located on your brake pedal. 10min fix without tools. Pay attention or take a picture when you remove it to install right the first time.;)


EEK! I hope he got his truck out of park by now! That was more than 8 and a half years ago!

Generally it is frowned upon to bring an old thread such as this "back to life". No harm, you're a new member and it happens. Welcome to the forum! :)

when this happens under the steering column there is a small hole in the plastic, you stick a straight screw driver in there to bypass the switch and you'll be able to shift it. but if it is the switch on the break peddle you wont have break lights when you move it.

this happend to mine at a movie theater, i googled it on my phone and luckily had a screw driver in the back so i could get it home.

Do the brake lights work?? If not, turn the key to the position where the steering unlocks, but the lights on the dash to not come on, then place the truck in neutral and start it. You will then be able to shift gears, but you still have to figure out why your brake lights don't work.
Today the 2002 Explorer would not come out of park. The problem was the brake lights were blown!! A mechanic came and said are the lights working in the rear after changing the bulbs in the break lights the truck went into gear. Now that’s really a 💡 coming on.

I have an automatic transmission. The last couple of days after turning on my car, I cannot get it to shift out of park while turned on. I have tried for minutes at a time but it does not want to move out of park. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.


I'm having this problem now. Brake switch and lights work, but sticking a key into the neutral bypass under the steering column isn't working. It doesn't feel like the key is moving anything in there like I would expect. Shift interlock fuse (#26 7.5 amp) is ok.

Update: Was on a wierd slope, jacked up a rear wheel to take pressure off the transmission and that allowed it to go into gear.
