2002 explorer v8 long time till starts | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2002 explorer v8 long time till starts


New Member
June 9, 2013
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City, State
st louis mo
Year, Model & Trim Level
02 explorer
when i turn my key the engine cranks for 4 or 5 seconds before it starts. but runs fine after it starts? any ideas?

when i turn my key the engine cranks for 4 or 5 seconds before it starts. but runs fine after it starts? any ideas?

I'm going to bump this to the top because mine does this too and I've never really thought anything of it. Is it normal? Anything to be worried about?

sounds like you're losing the prime on your fuel pressure.

its basically a check valve in the pump module that holds the running pressure
of the truck when you turn the key off....

when the module goes bad, this is what happens.

hope this helps. good luck

