2002 Sport Trac SAS rack/pinion | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2002 Sport Trac SAS rack/pinion

January 3, 2014
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2002 Ford Sport Trac
First let me start off by saying love the site.
I wanting to do a SAS on my 2002 Sport Trac.I have been all over and I might be overlooking it. What are my options for steering? This SAS is on a budget. I need to ditch the rack and pinion but dont know what to replace with, will an early ranger or explorer steering box work. Will my p/s pump work?

im using a 1977 f-150 dana 44 with springs and factory arms

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Take a look through the Projects forum and the SAS Registry forum for any 1995 and up Explorer and see what others have used.

To answer your question about using the factory steering pump, yes you can use it with the SAS. As RangerX suggested, do a lot of research before the build, it'll safe you a lot of money. Ask as many questions as you need, all of us started somewhere but the best thing is research.

Thanks guys. Research is something that I have been doing, and alot of it. I was just trying to save some time with if someone that has already been there and done it.
I see where guys are running the toyota box outside of the frame rails but all of those guys are doing leafs on the front. I am wainting to keep it Ford. I see post where you can use the ranger steering boxes but everyone of those either gets thread jacked to another subject or no responses.

I used a Ranger steering box on my truck but it was a pain to mount and steering seems kind of weak with the pump made for the steering rack. I had the Ranger box laying around so it was free. If you are buying a box I would go with the 70s F150 4x4 box that mounts outside the frame rail because it was a very tight fit with the Ranger box inside the rail. Plus it gives a slightly longer drag link also which should be easier to make less angle at ride height.
