2003-2005 4.6l Intake Manifold New Number | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2003-2005 4.6l Intake Manifold New Number


"I'm counting to 3, then I'm getting your dad."
Elite Explorer
March 16, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Woodstock, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 Ford Explorer 4.6l

Dorman now makes an intake manifold for the 03-05 4.6l.

The 02 version being 615-175.
The new version is 615-775.

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Good info !

Got me one for my '03 Mounty.

Also first item I've purchased from RA. Little disappointed to receive and brand new item where the box has been previously opened. Don't really understand that. Everything appears to be there, no signs of install.

Plastic is stamped "made in USA," while aluminum cross over says "China."





Was there packaged air on top of the intake? Usually they will stuff packaged air and even bubble wrap items to combat shipping damage.

thats a very different intake runner design. Wonder what the performance is like compared to OEM...

Was there packaged air on top of the intake? Usually they will stuff packaged air and even bubble wrap items to combat shipping damage.
No, but I was expecting to find something inside from RA. The clear tape that was put on it almost looked machine done.

I'll take some side by sides with the OE,haven't compared them at all.

$164 delivered. Their price changed a few times once I put it in the cart.

Here's some pictures new and old. Quite a bit difference in height. Deeper equals more torque?
Also, is the rubber cap with the spring clamp in the one that always pops off? (Last picture) I'd thought the purpose of an '03-'05 version would be to eliminate this feature.

Third pic down you can see that Dorman skimped out on brass mounts. Just opted for self tapping screws.

I'm wondering if the only difference between the 615-175 and 775 is hardware.






Yes, that rubber cap is the one that always pops off -- or it wears out and coolant goes everywhere. It happened to me twice when I was out of town. maddening -- and I replaced the manifold October 2014. It's not like it's been on a long time.

Been trying to find some info on this 775 manifold.
I was trying to resolve what I thought was a vacuum leak but turned out to be a fuel pump, had lean condition code, and installed the 775 manifold.

Anyways I'm thinking to possibly put my oem manifold back on and return this due to so many people having issues with them and the "decreased" power. I haven't been able to find concrete evidence though regarding this seemingly "updated" version. I think I did feel a slight increase in low end power over the oem. But seeing a video from LMR where they dyno test both manifolds on the same mustang and seeing a 20hp difference, I'm on the fence. Design of the dorman intake they use looks to be of the updated type.

Visually the runners look slightly bigger on the dorman but not as long, which makes sense for the low end increase as air is getting in faster. Obviously though the "quality" is not there compared to the OEM.

So in the end thinking about putting my oem back on, returning the dorman, and waiting till someone has a replacement oem in stock.

Any one have some personal experiences between the 775 and the OEM and which they prefer or feel is better?


So after having the plug pop off on the dorman, thankfully happened at work, I've swapped back to the OEM manifold. I did put a worm gear clamp on the plug but I guess maybe I didn't tighten it enough. I also noticed the nipple doesn't have a pronounced edge to hold the clamp, it more rounded and less prevalent than I would imagine compared to a higher quality casting. The whole thing just didn't give me a the piece of mind. The oem manifold has that area completely blocked.

I took the crossover pipe off to inspect my oem manifold and everything looked fine. The orings looked a little crusty and some buildup. I carefully removed them, cleaned, and coated them with silicone grease. Did the same for the area they sit in after inspecting for damage.

After inspecting the dorman after removal, one of the orings kind of popped out of position and wouldn't go back into position. It's almost like when a piece of rubber gets soaked in a petroleum based substance and swells. The orings seemed to be more silicone than rubber based, which could explain its behavior.

Performance wise, I think the OEM is better but I don't think it's a huge difference.
