2003 Sport Trac - SAS, SOA started and here's a sneek peek. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2003 Sport Trac - SAS, SOA started and here's a sneek peek.


Explorer Addict
March 6, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Explorer Sport Trac
MidnightRebel07's Sport Trac SAS, 351w Build on 37's

I've been talking for years about doing this and since the transmission is on it's way out enough to where I can't drive it a long distance, the fan clutch died (can't drive it without fan) I parked it.

I started tearing everything from the rear suspension to do the SOA. finished that yesterday (for the most part). Perches are tacked in (will finish welding them on with the Miller 252 at my custom truck clubs garage once I get everything mocked into place and a space opens up). Shocks are bolted into the top bolt hole for the sway bar (sway bar is removed). I cut the shock mounts off of the spring plates and will weld them onto the top of the axle later. I still need to get longer stainless braided hoses for the main rear brake line.

I now have the front jacked up sitting on jack stands so I can start cutting off the front suspension and engine crossmember. Hopefully if the weather permits this week for a couple hours in the mornings before work I can cut all that out.

I'll be starting a SAS, SOA, 351w, C6, 1356 manual transfer case thread sometime soon when I have time but for now I'll just add info here.




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Dibs if you ever sell it!
Glad to see you are getting started :salute:

I'm not selling this for a very long time if ever. I will have a ton of parts for sell very soon though, including the rear swing out tire carrier, front IFS parts, gas tank, drivetrain (motor trans and transfer case). The for sell list is going to be very long.

Dibs if you ever sell it!
Glad to see you are getting started :salute:

Second dibs!..... if JuBean falls through

Good luck on the build and keep us updated.


Well this week was kind of a wash as far as getting a lot done. I worked on it for a couple hours Friday before work, removed the suspension from the passenger side and started on the driver side. I still need to cut off the crossmember and remove the steering rack and front axle. Hopefully I can get that all finished by the end of the weekend (supposed to rain nonstop) I may put my 10x10 tent over the frontend so I can work.




Even though it poured down rain all day yesterday I set up my 10x10 tent and worked anyway. I had a goal of removing the complete front suspension, crossmenber, steering and axle.

Needless to say it was a long two days of cutting and wrenching. Most of the bolts holding the suspension on were all seized and rusted so unbolting and removing things the easy way weren't an option (I HATE living in the rustbelt, I miss living in Oregon). I don't have air tools or cutting torches so I used my 4 1/2" grinder with cutting off wheels and sawzall.

While I was working my 2 1/2 year old kept asking to help but I told him not this time, so I set his offroad wagon we built up on my extra set of 6 ton jack stands so he could work on that (then he proceeded to flip his offroad tricycle upside down and worked on that).


I couldn't access the bolt holding the steering shaft onto the rack and pinion so I had to remove it as a whole (still bolted to the crossmember) and unbolt it.






I still need to cut out the UCA brackets, shock towers and grind down the rest of the excess brackets and crossmember closer to the frame.

Even though it poured down rain all day yesterday I set up my 10x10 tent and worked anyway. I had a goal of removing the complete front suspension, crossmenber, steering and axle.

Needless to say it was a long two days of cutting and wrenching. Most of the bolts holding the suspension on were all seized and rusted so unbolting and removing things the easy way weren't an option (I HATE living in the rustbelt, I miss living in Oregon). I don't have air tools or cutting torches so I used my 4 1/2" grinder with cutting off wheels and sawzall.

While I was working my 2 1/2 year old kept asking to help but I told him not this time, so I set his offroad wagon we built up on my extra set of 6 ton jack stands so he could work on that (then he proceeded to flip his offroad tricycle upside down and worked on that).


I couldn't access the bolt holding the steering shaft onto the rack and pinion so I had to remove it as a whole (still bolted to the crossmember) and unbolt it.






I still need to cut out the UCA brackets, shock towers and grind down the rest of the excess brackets and crossmember closer to the frame.

Nice progress.

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Dibs on the swing out tire carrier. Just need price and shipping info. Looks great so far.

To me, cutting out that cross member was probably the worst part of the whole project. I also only used a 4-1/2" grinder and sawsall and doing that upside down at times was not fun.

Looks good so far.

Now that I read more, I just gor rid of 5 of those H-1 tires. Causing to many clearance issues. They were great, but needed to downsize to 35's.

I'm glad to see it started! Just FYI for brake lines I used SS lines for a JK with 4" lift and they ended up being the right length.

I remember reading that on your build, how are the shocks holding up to the weight of the ST? It's a bit heavier then the JK's. Also, what year Super Dury did the steering box you used come from? I'm going to remove the steering box from the '89 F-250 I have along with the shock towers.

Hopefully if the weather cooperates I can start mocking up the front suspension.

On a side note, if any of the mods on here can please move this thread to the Offroad Tech section I would appreciate it. I should've started it there to begin with. Thanks.

Any updates on the sas?

Not any yet. Between the rain and work schedule I've been stuck not being able to work on it. I'm also shopping around for a big 220v welder to weld everything on (my truck club has a full garage of vehicles torn apart so I don't have access to the garage or welder).

I have a buddy in Milton, Pa. that has a Miller 251 Autoset for sell, I'll find out Monday when I go back up there how much he wants for it, I'm also looking at the Eastwood 175 and plasma cutter combo if the miller falls through.

MidnightRebel07's Sport Trac SAS, V8 Build

Thank you Steve for moving my thread.

I remember reading that on your build, how are the shocks holding up to the weight of the ST? It's a bit heavier then the JK's. Also, what year Super Dury did the steering box you used come from? I'm going to remove the steering box from the '89 F-250 I have along with the shock towers.

Hopefully if the weather cooperates I can start mocking up the front suspension.

On a side note, if any of the mods on here can please move this thread to the Offroad Tech section I would appreciate it. I should've started it there to begin with. Thanks.

Shocks are doin good. Still behaves well on te road. For a steering box I used one from a 6.0.

Ordered my new Eastwood 175 220v welder from Jeg's for $514.07 (price matched to Pit Stop USA) on Wednesday and got it in Thursday around 12.30 pm. I just need to wait until Monday to go get a gas bottle and gas (work and other things prevented me from getting one Friday).

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Just bought Bilstein shocks and steering stabilizer for my 350. Not sure if I'll get them on this weekend, but if I do I'll let you know what I think of them too. A fresh memory is always better at explaining differences.
