2004 Upper Control Arm Replacement | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2004 Upper Control Arm Replacement


New Member
January 8, 2025
Reaction score
City, State
Ormond Beach, Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Explorer Limited 4wd
Hi, I have a very noticeable clunking when going over bumps on and off road on both sides of the vehicle. I just replaced both sway bar end links since the driver side one sounded like loose change every time I went over a bump. The clunking was there before I replaced the links, but I thought it would correct the noise. Now that I’m looking at things, the upper ball joints on both sides are pretty much shot. The last record I have of the upper control arms being replaced was in 2018 or about 60k miles ago. So I figured it’s time to replace them both.

That being said, I have looked at oem and aftermarket UCAs and have no idea which is going to be best. The boots on the arms now are all cracked and leaking grease. And from what I’ve read already it seems that the oem parts do that more. I want the UCAs to be a little beefed up, I plan to take this off road quite a bit. If anyone has advice or experience with aftermarket vs oem UCAs I’d love to hear your thoughts.
