2005 Explorer Noise Diagnosis help - | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2005 Explorer Noise Diagnosis help -


New Member
December 9, 2008
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2005 Explorer with an odd noise that seems like it is coming from the front of the vehicle - at first, a few months ago it sounded like I had a rock in my tire, very sharp pronounced sound that "clicked" with the vehicle speed, now it is more of a dull grinding, or rubbing noise but still cyclical, as in on and off with vehicle speed and not constant. Now it almost sounds as if something is rubbing. At first the sound was exactly like a rock in the tire, it has not gotten different.

Here is the strange part - it only happens at 50 and above. You can reqally hear it well when you are driving through a tunnel or next to a concrete barrier and it sounds like it is coming from both sides of the vehicle. At this point you can now feel it in the floorboards at speed. Up to 50 - silent.

I have had at the dealer and of course they cannot hear or reproduce, going back today to have someone sit in the car. It is a very obvious noise that you can here and is always there above 50+.

Does not seem to get worse or change with turning or braking. Have been under the car a bunch and nothing is obvious, no torn CV's, no rubbing or witness marks on any part of the driveline that is moving.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks -
