2005 Explorer throttle body part number question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2005 Explorer throttle body part number question


New Member
July 13, 2016
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kingman, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 Explorer V8
I ruined my throttle body by cleaning it with carb cleaner. Dumb move. Went to Ford and got a direct replacement part number (5L2Z-9e926-A) With that exact number I can't find anything under $300. There are some very similar throttle bodies (2004, etc) that are $120 and look the same and similar part numbers. Are these throttle bodies really that different? Any help would be appreciated.

How exactly did you ruin it? Or what do you mean by "ruined it."

I ruined my throttle body by cleaning it with carb cleaner. Dumb move. Went to Ford and got a direct replacement part number (5L2Z-9e926-A) With that exact number I can't find anything under $300. There are some very similar throttle bodies (2004, etc) that are $120 and look the same and similar part numbers. Are these throttle bodies really that different? Any help would be appreciated.

Yes, they are. They are now very complex issues because of safety concerns for "Drive By Wire". Worse than the T.B. is the PCM: 2004 Explorers used over 200 different PCMs! Found that out when I had to order one.
