2006 EB V8 - radiator fan noise - normal ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2006 EB V8 - radiator fan noise - normal ?


Explorer Addict
November 16, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Rockland County, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
06EB V8
Hi -
2006 Eddie Bauer with 4.6, every once in a while, the cooling fan will get into very high revolution mode that it makes it sound like 747 taking off. Usualy it happens when the temp gage is about in the middle or up. Accelerating the car makes that noise even worse.

Anybody else had this problem, is it normal or something is going bad (sensor, clutch ?)

Thanks all

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Quite normal. By design the fan clutch "slips" in normal operation for quite and less engine drag. When engine temp is full and/or low speed driving or A/C on the fan clutch tightens up for more airflow (and more ROAR)

Had to pull over on shoulder because of overheating. How is it though that after about 25 seconds after turning of car, the temp gauge goes back to normal???Very annoying!

Hi -
2006 Eddie Bauer with 4.6, every once in a while, the cooling fan will get into very high revolution mode that it makes it sound like 747 taking off. Usualy it happens when the temp gage is about in the middle or up. Accelerating the car makes that noise even worse.

Anybody else had this problem, is it normal or something is going bad (sensor, clutch ?)

Thanks all

as long as coolant is full, the fan on hot days will sound like a 747.

The loud fan on very warm to hot days (especially from a stop at a light or parked) will have this ROAR for a few seconds and then dissipates as more air passes thru to cool.

I have the same problem with my 2006 EB Explorer..... and been in Dubai in summer it seems to be the perfect scenario for that noise to become evident. It goes away when speed reaches a good level.

yeah totally norm my wife thought there was somthing wrong with our ebx and i told her its just the fan. It does feels like i am dragging somthing when that is happening tho like im towing somthing untill the fan kicks off.
