2007 mountaineer body & suspension lifts? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2007 mountaineer body & suspension lifts?


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April 8, 2016
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'07 Merc. Mountaineer
Looking to lift my '07 mountaineer premier and put 33" BF Goodrich KO2's on it. It's currently on 30's (235/65/r18). I already found the tires, and I'm looking at the Truxx/Traxda spacers but I know I'm gonna need more lift to fit 33's. I'd like to do the spacers and a 3" body lift, or some combination of suspension/body lift to get about 4/5" of lift. Not looking to spend a grand on a custom kit, so any affordable suggestions are welcome!

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As far as I know, the only lift without major modifications is a 1.5" body lift, and the Traxda spacers. Quite a few members have done larger body lifts, I think 3" was the largest, but it seemed like a real PITA. Steering shaft extensions, heavily modifying the fan shroud, bumper brakets, etc.

I'm considering getting 32"s instead of 33"s, then adding wheel spacers. Would the 1.5" body lift and traxda spacers provide enough space? Right now I've got 30"s on it and they're not even close to rubbing.


You're better off doing 32's with the traxda/truxxx (literally same company Truxxx is Traxda), and Rancho 1" lift struts. You're looking at serious money for any other lifting options

yeah that's what I'm realizing. I know the traxda/truxx can come with extra plates to add more lift, do those have any adverse effects?

It does on the front end. Over time on upper control arms and ball joints .meaning sooner replacements. But they make custom uppers to help with the lift. They just cost about 600 dollars

yeah I know Brandon at BTF does UCA's for about that much. I'll probably just get those further down the line

Mine have held up fine though

Since march, and I drive pretty aggressive. Nothing serious has come up yet. I suggest it, but over time you WILL need the upgraded arms/swaybar/ect. things

I have an 08 explorer lifted 5.5 inches. I'm running 33X12.50R22 with 1 inch wheel spacers. The wheel spacers caused it to rub at full lock when flexing. It would clear a narrow 35. I have a 20 ft boat and a 23 ft camper, with the stock 3.55 gears and SCT tuner it was to under powered to comfortably pull them very far. I fixed that with 4.10 gears and a supercharger. I probably have as much in my tires and wheels as I do all my other upgrades combined. If you do the work yourself and shop around you can do the left fairly cheap. Your main options are strut spacers, or Rancho lift struts but don't use both, and modifying a Ranger body lift.

I have an 08 explorer lifted 5.5 inches. I'm running 33X12.50R22 with 1 inch wheel spacers. The wheel spacers caused it to rub at full lock when flexing. It would clear a narrow 35. I have a 20 ft boat and a 23 ft camper, with the stock 3.55 gears and SCT tuner it was to under powered to comfortably pull them very far. I fixed that with 4.10 gears and a supercharger. I probably have as much in my tires and wheels as I do all my other upgrades combined. If you do the work yourself and shop around you can do the left fairly cheap. Your main options are strut spacers, or Rancho lift struts but don't use both, and modifying a Ranger body lift.

Do you have pictures ?

Do you have pictures ?
Like the saying goes, it's a work in progress. I just have my garage at home and it's far from a machine shop so try not to judge my work to hard. The supercharger setup is still in testing so it's not cleaned up and nice looking yet.

Like the saying goes, it's a work in progress. I just have my garage at home and it's far from a machine shop so try not to judge my work to hard. The supercharger setup is still in testing so it's not cleaned up and nice looking yet.
Very nice! My only critism. And only. the body lift is a nice choice but it just leaves so much exposed underneath . if you're going all out why not do an SAS and get it all lifted up? Im going with the strut spacers/Rancho lift struts/ upgraded arms/ and joints it brings to it almost 4 inches . i,know you can't get as much wiggle room with tires but it seems like a safer route without extreme modding. It's really nice though !

Thank you. I considered doing the SAS and using a Ranger suspension lift. This is my DD and I decided to go this route mostly for time and simplicity. I did all the lift stuff last November, since then I've found the weak links..wheel bearings and breaks... I'm still running stock A arms, I will order the tubular one's I've seen on here when mine wear out. My plan is once I get board with it or go to a new DD, I'm going to put F150 running gear and lift under it and ending up with 11 inches of lift. The only place you can really tell it has a body lift is the tail pipe and front inner fenders. The hardest part of it was getting the factory bolts out because of the completely round puck for a nut most of the bolts have. I've read several places not to combine the spacers and lift struts because the struts will compress more and somewhat cancel each other out plus it is to much angle on everything.

Hickman, I am in love with your rig. The supercharger is awesome, but im mainly talking about your lift and wheel/tire combo. What all have you done for lift? I can't believe those are 22's. I am contemplating on 20's still, over 18's and I think you just made up my mind.

I currently have (aside from new everything down there) lift wise, the traxda kit, and a 1" bodylift kit ready to be put on. How did you get 5.5"? And if you don't mind me asking, what did you pay for those tires? It had to be insane.

Brian what body lift do you have?

Hickman, I am in love with your rig. The supercharger is awesome, but im mainly talking about your lift and wheel/tire combo. What all have you done for lift? I can't believe those are 22's. I am contemplating on 20's still, over 18's and I think you just made up my mind.

I currently have (aside from new everything down there) lift wise, the traxda kit, and a 1" bodylift kit ready to be put on. How did you get 5.5"? And if you don't mind me asking, what did you pay for those tires? It had to be insane.
Thank you, I did a lot of searching and planning before I finally put this combo together. I'm using Truxxx 2.5 inch spacers and a modified Ranger 3 inch body lift. The MTs on 22s I think are what make the fact it's lifted really stand out. My tires were about $1100 shipped, and 80 to have them mounted. It took 3 guys and a tire machine to do it. 33X12.50R22 M/T 10 ply = 72 pounds of tire and about 1 inch thick sidewalls.

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When you say modified, what all went along with that? i'm not looking for super modding my truck. But I do want it to be just another inch or 2 taller.
