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2008 SEMA Show Photos

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Pics from Day 2 - Dead Link Removed

That's a LOT of green!!!:eek: Nice car though...



Is this a version of the Jeep Brute?


I love the color here...hit hit lol

and oh my goodness this one is so awesome


I'm not sure. It didn't have a spec sheet with it like a lot of displays do. Just thought it looked cool;)

Is this a version of the Jeep Brute?

That would be nice. Just enjoy your time there. Please, don't go to any special effort. That place is a madhouse.
You should come across one sooner or later.

I found 4 of the 6 covers. However the way they were parked I could only get a picture of one. Send me your email and I will send you the pictures I took.

Here's the last of my photos:
Dead Link Removed

Time for a new pair of shoes!!

Just got back from the Imperial Palace auto museum.b Wouldn't ya know... I forgot my camera:eek:
Posted via Mobile Device

Just got back from the Imperial Palace auto museum.b Wouldn't ya know... I forgot my camera:eek:
Posted via Mobile Device

Thats a great little museum. Good thing you went though.. When we were just there (September-ish) we found out that it may be shutting down. They are loosing the space in some renovation..


I hope they don't disappear. I enjoy seeing the cars I can't afford:D

They had a 409 Impala there which was in Reggie Jackson's collection. It only had 1000 original miles:eek"


What.....was TDavis Driving????

It would be sad if the Imperial Palace auto museum would close down. When I was out there at least every other month I'd take a trip through there just to kill an afternoon. Really was a great place to take out of towners to that really didn't cost too much.
