2013 All Ford Nationals @ Carlisle, Pa Jun 7-9 | Page 7 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2013 All Ford Nationals @ Carlisle, Pa Jun 7-9

How do you want to spend Sun. June 9th, 2013?

  • I want to go to Rausch Creek!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Meh. There has to be something other than wheeling to do.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Tim, ya could cruise by here on the way to Tara's..

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so with the show approaching, anyone know what there plans are as of yet? i will prob get into PA on monday night, and camp out at tara and kyles for a few days, then head to carlisle thrusday some time, then get to the show field friday, and walk around the swap area at take jeffs mach for a ride :D, saturday, at the show, and what ever follows after that.

coming up Saturday morning, going home Saturday night.

Yes I am boring. :salute:

You're not boring, Kev :p.

Once again, I need a head count for who plans on a) leaving after the show Saturday to drive to Freeland, b) who plans on wheeling. I'm going to tell you right now that if your truck is stock and suffering from serious trans or engine issues, I'm not going to let you follow us into the woods because you're not going to ruin everyone's day with your broken truck! The trails we plan on taking will be fine for anyone with at least a mild lift (shackles, tt) and 31's. There aren't many bypasses, so bone stock (factory 255 series or smaller tires) won't cut it this time.

Game plan as of right now:
Friday: check in, wander around show.
Friday night: Group dinner, open to suggestions as to where or we can wing it. Stay at Comfort suites in town.

Saturday: Showfield until 4-4:30 ish then hit Rte 81 North for 1.5 hours.
Saturday 6-6:30: Stop by my house to refuel our stomachs and trucks, if anyone needs supplies or showers they're welcome to do so.
Saturday night: Head out to "the Northie" (the giant field with the drive-through Lake for those who have been here before) and set up camp in a privately staked out location.

Sunday: Four wheeling!

Any questions?

i looked into trying to get a room at the comfort.....sol, so i am still at the same place i booked before :(. i know the only way i am going to be able to go wheeling is if i ride shot gun with someone. otherwise i am clueless as what i am doing saturday night

Tim, ya could cruise by here on the way to Tara's..

jeff, that may be a plan, but i will have to see how far i make it the first day of driving. doing a google map, your around 3 hours away from her, and last year when i got there, i left chesterton, indianan , at around 8am, and didnt get to her place untill 8ish pm.

You're not boring, Kev :p.

Once again, I need a head count for who plans on a) leaving after the show Saturday to drive to Freeland, b) who plans on wheeling. I'm going to tell you right now that if your truck is stock and suffering from serious trans or engine issues, I'm not going to let you follow us into the woods because you're not going to ruin everyone's day with your broken truck! The trails we plan on taking will be fine for anyone with at least a mild lift (shackles, tt) and 31's. There aren't many bypasses, so bone stock (factory 255 series or smaller tires) won't cut it this time.

Game plan as of right now:
Friday: check in, wander around show.
Friday night: Group dinner, open to suggestions as to where or we can wing it. Stay at Comfort suites in town.

Saturday: Showfield until 4-4:30 ish then hit Rte 81 North for 1.5 hours.
Saturday 6-6:30: Stop by my house to refuel our stomachs and trucks, if anyone needs supplies or showers they're welcome to do so.
Saturday night: Head out to "the Northie" (the giant field with the drive-through Lake for those who have been here before) and set up camp in a privately staked out location.

Sunday: Four wheeling!

Any questions?

I'm all for Wheeling. I wanna bring my truck, but its stock. No engine or trans issues though!

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Forum Runner

I'm not going to be able to wheel on Sunday. I have a presentation that i have to make sure to be back to work Monday morning and I don't have time to get the truck trail ready. :(

The companion and I will be out Friday night and at the show all day Saturday though.

After much much much debate I'm skipping the show but should make it out to Spas's Saturday night for camping and wheeling. With the Bronco II. Too many work/personal obligations to make it to Carlisle and not lose my mind.

I plan on the show but not wheeling because I haven't swapped my t-case yet and I'm 2wd! :-(

Unfortunately it looks like I'm skipping out on the show completely this year. I injured my knee which obviously makes it a pain to walk much and haven't been able to return to work for a couple weeks and can't for a couple months, that doesn't stop bills so I'm going to have to play it safe and not go. Still may go to Spas Saturday evening but that's not 100% either.

I'm bummed that some can only make it to the show OR wheeling, but as I stated earlier, it'll be good to see you guys at either one :) Watt, as long as you have tow points front and rear and don't mind being pulled through some obstacles, you're welcome to come with us. Josh, i would say the same applies to you but we'll definitely need 4wd! Bats, dare I ask how you're getting the b2 out here Saturday night...?

lindsy, is it going to be like a shower, dine, and dash at your place, or your not sure. cause if i cant hitch a ride wheeling with someone, i will just come for a ride up to your place possibly

I'm bummed that some can only make it to the show OR wheeling, but as I stated earlier, it'll be good to see you guys at either one :) Watt, as long as you have tow points front and rear and don't mind being pulled through some obstacles, you're welcome to come with us. Josh, i would say the same applies to you but we'll definitely need 4wd! Bats, dare I ask how you're getting the b2 out here Saturday night...?

I got my front tow hook today and am mounting it now :D

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Forum Runner

Bats, dare I ask how you're getting the b2 out here Saturday night...?[/]

NANANANANA.....RAPE VAN! Just got new brakes all around and I've got two spare lift pumps. It eats those things like D35's eat bearings.

Bats, dare I ask how you're getting the b2 out here Saturday night...?[/]

NANANANANA.....RAPE VAN! Just got new brakes all around and I've got two spare lifsot pumps. It eats those things like D35's eat bearings.

Omg I didn't think I could spit cheerios through my nose...! I wish I could "like" posts here XD.

Tim, I'm sure there will be spaces to ride along. It'll probably be cheaper for you to buy a tent than stay in a hotel. The plan is exactly what you said: leave Carlisle fairgrounds for Freeland, stop at the house for food and fuel, get out in the woods before we get too comfortable and lazy.

mmmmmmmmm k. evils packed, gps programed, passport, show field stuff, final shake down drive today (which resulted evil handing some yuppy in his beamer his ass). leaving in the morning, getting into PA sometime monday night if all goes well.

Have a safe trip Tim!

Room is reserved and truck is 75% ready to go! I have a lot of work to do....

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wondering if I should even wash the ridge before I leave....
