2013 Kodiak Brown Limited AWD | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2013 Kodiak Brown Limited AWD


Well-Known Member
March 5, 2003
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2016 Explorer Platinum
Hi everybody!
Ordered a 2013 Limited 302A, rear buckets w/ console & moon roof.

Original order was incorrect.Ordered: 5/5/2012
DORA: (didn't receive)
VIN: Today (5/21/12). I had to call the dealer for this.
Build Date: 5/31/2012
Window Sticker: 5/26/2012
Delivery ETA: 6/11/12

Second Attempt:
Re-Ordered: 5/28/2012
DORA: Didn't receive, and asked for it multiple times
Order Number: ???
VIN: 6/6/2012
Window Sticker: 6/16/2012
Build Date: 6/22/2012
Arrived at Dealer: 6/29/2012

About 4 weeks from order to delivery.

Installed Sync Version:
Sync VersionGen2 - V3.0.2

Thanks to everyone here for all the great info!
I've been a long term lurker on this site. I'm currently driving a 2000 XLT with a 160k on the clock. She's served me well, and will be put on light duty once the '13 arrives.

I'll be PM'n Cory shortly to get in on all the fun! :) :chug:

Cory Re-PM'd :)

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Welcome Aboard! We need MORE details, too! Interior Color, Tow Package? You can get all of the details on your Explorer's Journey from Cory. I am lucky enough to work at a dealership and I can view it from our FMCDealer connection. Cory was a great help up until I had my vin. I am sure he will keep me posted if there are delays in my order for some reason, but I do not expect any.

Opppsss... lol

V6 / AWD
Interior is Black, no tow package. The 2nd row buckets / console and moon roof, ohhh and NAV (but I think that's part of 302A), were the only options I added... there really wasn't anything left after the 302A package. Heated and cooled seats... etc.

Thanks for the reply. I'm having a ball reading the delivery threads and watching everyones progress through the "system". I wish you the best of luck with the Storm Trooper... she'll be a sharp looking Ex!

I have to say.. Way to go, Ford for putting a rep on the forum! I'm proud to bleed "Ford Blue".

Just a small update. Thanks Cory! :biggthump

Ordered: 5/5/2012
DORA: (didn't receive)
VIN: Today (5/21/12). I had to call the dealer for this.
"In Production": 5/24/12
Build Date: Unknown
Window Sticker: not available (5/24)
Delivery ETA:???

Just a small update. Thanks Cory! :biggthump...

How about another update? Your window sticker URL updated! :D

http://fordlabels.webview.biz/webviewhybrid/WindowSticker.aspx?vin=<Insert VIN Here>

I also shot you a quick “pre-weekend” reply. :):thumbsup:


Ordered: 5/5/2012
DORA: (didn't receive)
VIN: Today (5/21/12). I had to call the dealer for this.
"In Production": 5/24/12
Build Date: Unknown
Window Sticker: AVAILABLE(5/25)
Delivery ETA:???

Problem!! Dealer has ordered the wrong color!!! Missing 2nd row console!! :censored:

Called the dealer, spoke with the salesman. He needs to speak with the guy who placed the order. Currently, patiently, waiting for a call back. :banghead:


How about another update? Your window sticker URL updated! :D

http://fordlabels.webview.biz/webviewhybrid/WindowSticker.aspx?vin=<Insert VIN Here>

I also shot you a quick “pre-weekend” reply. :):thumbsup:


Thank you Cory! is there anything that can be done about the bad order at this point?

Helicopter, makes sense you have a window sticker today. You ordered 6 days prior to me and I am expecting my window sticker next week. Sounds like your "born on date" is sometime next week.


OOPS; Just saw your post about the wrong order..... looks like I will get mine before you.... sorry to hear about that. i was lucky enough to have the DORA to confirm the order. Anyone going forward, DEMAND the DORA (Dealer Order Receipt Acknowledgement) from your dealer to confirm it is ordered as you have desired.

Thanks RonJrSVCMGR!

They ordered the Sterling Grey instead of the Kodiak Brown. I could live with this, since I do like the color... just like the KB better. Honestly, the thing that's bugging me the most is the 2nd row console that's missing. In total, I'm just annoyed over the whole thing on general principals. We pay a premium for these vehicles, and the whole point of ordering was to get it the way I wanted it. I plan on driving the wheels of this one, and it's just going to be annoying knowing it wasn't 100% from the start. It's the little things.

I have a copy the printout from the ordering system, and we went over it line by line when I left the deposit. Why this wasn't used to place the actual order... I'll never know. At least I have this copy with everyones signature on it, showing what was supposed to be ordered.

Can you wait long enough to have them order the correct vehicle for you? If you can, I would insist they do so!

Can you wait long enough to have them order the correct vehicle for you? If you can, I would insist they do so!

Hi VinceL,

Yes I can wait there is no immediate need for it. I'm waiting to see what the dealer is going to do about this, and if Cory (God bless him!) has any suggestions. I'm not unreasonable, just disapointed.

Helicopter, did they do a locate for you from another dealer? You dream vehicle might be sitting on a lot somewhere and they can fetch it for you, after what you have been through.

Helicopter, did they do a locate for you from another dealer? You dream vehicle might be sitting on a lot somewhere and they can fetch it for you, after what you have been through.

Originally yes, they did. It was always a 90%-95% thing. Right exterior, wrong interior. Right colors, wrong options. Right options wrong colors. I don't have any problems ordering one, and I actually prefer it. I know it hasn't been sitting on a lot somewhere, and hasn't been demo'd that kinda' thing. If need be, I'll pass on this one and either have them reorder the correct Ex, or I'll go to a different dealer if they don't want to play ball. I'm in no rush to take delivery since I'm not trading anything in and my current Ex is ok. Who knows, perhaps this can be fixed before it hits the line and all will be as it should.


Just heard from my sales guy. They owned up to the mistake and gave me a couple of options. We're going to reorder. I will be emailed all relevent info. While the delay is a bit annoying I'm happy that we could come to a quick resolution with no funny business. I'll update this thread with the new order.

Glad it worked out. I would have reordered mine, too. I am very particular about the equipment and colors and I keep my vehicles for 10 years.

Make sure they put a priority code of "10" on it and go for some free services for the inconvenience.

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Sweet! Now you are going to get your perfect car :)

Happy to hear that it all worked out for the better.
