2013 Limited Ordered | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2013 Limited Ordered


December 17, 2012
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2013 Ford Explorer
I ordered my 2013 Limited Ingot Silver Explorer on Dec 15. I had a VIN about 2 weeks later. As of today Crystal said ETA deliver date is January 21st but that could change. No window sticker yet.


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I ordered my 2013 Limited Ingot Silver Explorer on Dec 15. I had a VIN about 2 weeks later. As of today Crystal said ETA deliver date is January 21st but that could change. No window sticker yet.


Wow! Congrats!
I ordered a 13 Sport on DEC 14 and as of Friday 4 JAN, Crystal said I still don't have any new news as I'm still in the pre order process awaiting scheduling.

Let us know if those dates hold true!


I have heard the sports are taking a little longer. My dealer gave my order a Priority 10.

I ordered my 2013 Limited Ingot Silver Explorer on Dec 15. I had a VIN about 2 weeks later. As of today Crystal said ETA deliver date is January 21st but that could change. No window sticker yet.


Wow! Congrats!
I ordered a 13 Sport on DEC 14 and as of Friday 4 JAN, Crystal said I still don't have any new news as I'm still in the pre order process awaiting scheduling.

Let us know if those dates hold true!


Hey gang!

Just a reminder that I can give you weekly updates on your Explorers' statuses. Send a PM my way when you're ready for some news!


Well, my 2013 limited finished production and is waiting shipment. ETA to the dealer is 1-21-13. !!!!!!!

Well my Explorer is in transit ! Original ETA was 1/21 and now it was changed to 1/24 :(
Hopefully it comes on Monday cause I am off that day !!!!

Well, got the call today from the dealer. The Explorer is in !!! 1 day early. Going to get it tomorrow after work!!!!

Well, got the call today from the dealer. The Explorer is in !!! 1 day early. Going to get it tomorrow after work!!!!

Awesome news, pete2833! When are we going to be lucky enough to see some pictures of your new Explorer? ;)


Got some pics on my phone. It is dirty since we have had snow the last couple days and frigid temps. Will post soon.

Congrats on your new ride! I can't wait to get mine dirty....
