2016 FPIU - stopping Rodent infiltration | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2016 FPIU - stopping Rodent infiltration

Reverend Biker

New Member
December 10, 2024
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City, State
Amherst MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2016 PIU Explorer
I've had my explorer for a month, and I have already found signs that I've had field mice in my vehicle. I found a few acorn shells under the hood and inside the cabin. I do not see any obvious way they are getting in (my escape I had to put mesh over the airbox and air intake to keep them from nesting in my air filter and ventilation system.

Does anyone have any experience in rodent-proofing their FPIU? Any leads on obvious entry points would be helpful. I am a driveway mechanic and with sub-30 deg temps it's too cold for me to be crawling around under the vehicle looking for possible entry points.

I've found signs under the driver's side of the dash and this morning I heard movement in the headliner as I was loading stuff in the back seat to go to work.

Any insight you all can share would be really appreciated.

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Removing the cowl under the wipers and mount a stainless steel screen for the recirculation door.

That’s one way those rats and field mice get in.

Removing the cowl under the wipers and mount a stainless steel screen for the recirculation door.

That’s one way those rats and field mice get in.
Thanks! I haven't had time to mess with the air intake on the Ex yet, I have plans to check that over the weekend.

On my escape I find the start of a nest every few days in front of the air filter. I've started to leave some poison pellets under the hood on both to see if I can nip this in the bud. I found a hole through the floor in the escape that lets them in behind the cargo panels. I am not sure if they had rubber fillers in them at some point, but I could see right to the ground. I half expect to find the same thing in the Explorer when I pull the interior for spring cleaning.

Thanks for the tip!

I'd at least pull out your cabin filter ASAP and check for mouse pee and poop, not what you want to be breathing.

If you can, they hate lights, especially if they turn on and off . Get creative with motion LEDs in glove box and floor vent, powered by 12 v socket

See this thread about the frame and floor hole plugs Need help identifying part; sealing tips?

