2017 Explorer Plat. 3.5L ecoboost | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2017 Explorer Plat. 3.5L ecoboost


New Member
February 4, 2025
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Pensacola, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2017 Explorer Platinum
Can anyone familiar with my vehicle and engine please tell me where to look for my vacuum pump. Im looking all around and I am suspecting its is between the engine and firewall, but I can see it from any angle I try to look. Hopefully the pictures help. I have taken the heat shield and engine cover off.



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No clue. Go to a Ford dealer parts department with your VIN#. They can print you out a somewhat pic.

I ordered the vacuum pump online already, I just need to know where to physically look for it so I can judge whether I can install it myself or have a mechanic do it. I just don't physically see it anywhere.
When I initially found the part, it showed the location of it on the engine but I don't see it now in the link I provided.
I don't know if this helps.


Not even a 3.5l V6 engine in that part photo....

No clue. Go to a Ford dealer parts department with your VIN#. They can print you out a somewhat pic.
Long story short, im in the middle of a lawsuit with my local Ford dealership and trying to do the repair myself.

I have look at the Engine section of the Ford Factory Service Manual. There is no mention of a "vacuum" pump on the 3.5 EcoBoost Engine. Even look at the Engine overview and Component View. See Attached


Looks like these are on the 4 cylinder Explores. Shop manual has it listed on the 2.3L 4 cylinder Ecoboost. It is listed as a Brake vacuum pump. You have a 3.5L ^ cylinder Ecoboost

