2020 - 2021 ST/Platinum Instrument Cluster | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2020 - 2021 ST/Platinum Instrument Cluster


Elite Explorer
November 13, 2019
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City, State
Coconut Creek Fl
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Explorer Limited
Wonder can the limited or XLT explorer use the ST and Platinum digital dashboards? Not i see you can now get the 10" screen installed or upgraded if you want it. I personally do not like the giant iPad sticking up that high. Dont know why ford did not do something like a full digital NAV display or something. I love what GM have done with the Cadillac. I would not mind spending the extra dollars on the cluster than the APIM. Just my preference. I love the full digital dash and its animation.

Limited and XLT


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I would like to know the same as well as I am also very interested. I have the Limited and I love the digital cluster of the ST/Platinum trim.

Just joined to follow this. It's really too bad it wasn't an on option on the limited trim (or came with it)

I drove an ST before driving a Limited. My first question was whether there was an upgrade for the dash display on the Limited. :(

Just joined to follow this. It's really too bad it wasn't an on option on the limited trim (or came with it)
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
All part of their marketing packages.


I drove an ST before driving a Limited. My first question was whether there was an upgrade for the dash display on the Limited. :(
Yup. Heck it's 2020, I would not be surprised if it's cheaper for them to make the screen on the ST/Platinum rather than the mechanical needles with motors etc.. on the other trims and the reason it's not on the other trim is to increase the perceived value on these higher trims. (but then again maybe not, the old style instrument clusters are on old tech they have cost optimized the heck out of)

Any update on this? Have anyone been able to find out if the instrument cluster changeable between Limited and Platinum trim?

Any update on this? Have anyone been able to find out if the instrument cluster changeable between Limited and Platinum trim?

Doesn't seem like it. I'd 100% be willing to pay up to 2500$ for this

So realistically, what would be needed for this to work. Is it a question of IF we can make it work, or just that it will work, someone just needs to spend the time testing in forscan to get the right address changed for it to address it correctly? Will Ford sell us the part if we just order it ?

There are companies out there that will sell you the upgraded digital dash for the mustang and will preprogram it with the correct mileage. You might want to contact them and see if they can set you up with an ST/platinum dash cluster. BTW the kit for the mustang runs about 2.2K

infotainment.com is one of the companies that do this.

Did any get a 100% for sure if this can be done. cannot get a def answer.

My worry would that even if you could upgrade it, and you were willing to pay to do it, you might be missing some data/sensors/modules to use all the features. That juice doesn't seem worth the squeeze to me.

Now that Ford has the ST line, which is just an xlt underneath, does it have the ST cluster or the xlt cluster? it might be worth looking into

Now that Ford has the ST line, which is just an xlt underneath, does it have the ST cluster or the xlt cluster? it might be worth looking into
XLT cluster with 6" screen. ST-Line isn't really a different trim level in the traditional sense, even if they market it that way. It's just an XLT with an appearance package.

They all have the same wiring installed. Worse case scenario would be control modules and sensors. For the instrument cluster I think it may be just plug and play. The BCM and the main computer should dictate most of that. I would have definitely give up the sunroof for that upgrade.

They all have the same wiring installed. Worse case scenario would be control modules and sensors. For the instrument cluster I think it may be just plug and play. The BCM and the main computer should dictate most of that. I would have definitely give up the sunroof for that upgrade.
yes, 100% would have as well. I like it, but I did not want one as long term they can be a pretty crappy failure point.
Thanks for the additional information. :) I really hope someone does it or puts its out as an upgrade like for the larger middle screen.

I would dive in and try it but I am liking the 2023 trim. I strongly think I will upgrade. I really miss my 2016 limited. Had all the bells and whistles without the power of the ST and Platinum.

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