2020 Explorer Sync 3 Audio Off | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2020 Explorer Sync 3 Audio Off


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March 10, 2022
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Vine Grove, KY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Explorer XLT
I have been searching to find my problem already, but seems that no one ever posts if or how they have resolved it.

I have a 2020 Explorer XLT. Everything was good 5 days ago, but 4 days ago my Sync all but died and still hasn't come back. It appears that everything is good on the screen except the audio off message on my dash and the no GPS on the screen. The radio will not turn on at all. I've tried the obvious screen, and knob. I've hooked my phone up through the USB and Bluetooth. I do not get sound from anything on the phone; music, GPS, phone call, or text. Also, oddly enough, the seatbelt warning doesn't work if it's unbuckled. Another strange thing is the backup warning goes off but the front doesn't. I think the last thing is the speaker diagnostic doesn't work. if I called that the wrong thing, it's test I saw on YouTube when you hold the forward arrows down on the steering wheel and console.

Here is everything I've tried. Most multiple times.
After it died I updated the firmware via WiFi. Oddly it updated to Build 21194 and then installed the previous version. Still reads 21194 in the info screen.
Did soft reboot numerous times.
Master reset multiple times.
Pulled all pertinent fuses and checked with multi meter
Disconnected battery
Did key reset(?), Ford chat tech had me do it. Shut off engine, open and lock door, close and wait two minutes, and try again.

I'm hoping someone can help. I have a service appointment in two weeks. I'm hoping someone will have some fix like drive it five left turns and flash the four ways or something. I have a long trip in a couple of days and would really like music from my stereo and not a bluetooth speaker.

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I have been searching to find my problem already, but seems that no one ever posts if or how they have resolved it.

I have a 2020 Explorer XLT. Everything was good 5 days ago, but 4 days ago my Sync all but died and still hasn't come back. It appears that everything is good on the screen except the audio off message on my dash and the no GPS on the screen. The radio will not turn on at all. I've tried the obvious screen, and knob. I've hooked my phone up through the USB and Bluetooth. I do not get sound from anything on the phone; music, GPS, phone call, or text. Also, oddly enough, the seatbelt warning doesn't work if it's unbuckled. Another strange thing is the backup warning goes off but the front doesn't. I think the last thing is the speaker diagnostic doesn't work. if I called that the wrong thing, it's test I saw on YouTube when you hold the forward arrows down on the steering wheel and console.

Here is everything I've tried. Most multiple times.
After it died I updated the firmware via WiFi. Oddly it updated to Build 21194 and then installed the previous version. Still reads 21194 in the info screen.
Did soft reboot numerous times.
Master reset multiple times.
Pulled all pertinent fuses and checked with multi meter
Disconnected battery
Did key reset(?), Ford chat tech had me do it. Shut off engine, open and lock door, close and wait two minutes, and try again.

I'm hoping someone can help. I have a service appointment in two weeks. I'm hoping someone will have some fix like drive it five left turns and flash the four ways or something. I have a long trip in a couple of days and would really like music from my stereo and not a bluetooth speaker.
Update. Finally got into the dealer. His first answer was that I have to hook my phone to the Bluetooth. Huh? Then he said I just have to push the power button. Apparently look like an idiot. But it didn’t work, obviously. So then he did the “dealer” firmware update. Still no radio or Nav. Scheduled for the shop diagnostician in two weeks. Getting my moneys worth from my Wingman golf Bluetooth speaker. Which I highly recommend BTW.

Update. Finally got into the dealer. His first answer was that I have to hook my phone to the Bluetooth. Huh? Then he said I just have to push the power button. Apparently look like an idiot. But it didn’t work, obviously. So then he did the “dealer” firmware update. Still no radio or Nav. Scheduled for the shop diagnostician in two weeks. Getting my moneys worth from my Wingman golf Bluetooth speaker. Which I highly recommend BTW.
Update 2. Took the Explorer to the dealer for the diagnostician to determine it was the APIM. Took it back a few days later after the part arrived and after installation of the part and loading the firmware/software updates, they realized it wasn't the APIM so it must be the ACM. They didn't order the part last night and said they would call this morning as soon as they did. After not receiving the call after lunch, I called them. I was told the parts guy could not order an ACM without the error code and that unfortunately I would have to bring it in one more time than they thought. I asked if I could bring it at the time and they told me no, they don't know how to pull the error code. WHAT?!?!?! So the saga continues. This SUV is beginning to be a pain, and I owned a new 1999 Explorer with Firestone Tires.

I feel your pain and I've experienced similar dealership dilemmas. My Explorer doesn't have your specific issue but I've noticed it's very finicky at startup. So much so that once we start it up we wait 2 minutes idling in park for the hardware and software to get their act together. We don't dare turn the radio on before the 2 minutes is up either.
I'm a long way from KY but I'm with you in spirit.

p.s. my Ranger Edge had Firestone Tires

Update 2. Took the Explorer to the dealer for the diagnostician to determine it was the APIM. Took it back a few days later after the part arrived and after installation of the part and loading the firmware/software updates, they realized it wasn't the APIM so it must be the ACM. They didn't order the part last night and said they would call this morning as soon as they did. After not receiving the call after lunch, I called them. I was told the parts guy could not order an ACM without the error code and that unfortunately I would have to bring it in one more time than they thought. I asked if I could bring it at the time and they told me no, they don't know how to pull the error code. WHAT?!?!?! So the saga continues. This SUV is beginning to be a pain, and I owned a new 1999 Explorer with Firestone Tires.
In your first post you said you updated the software over wifi to 21194 but that it reverted back to a prior version. If it did do that it could be causing issues as the prior version did cause a number of issues. Did you confirm if your dealer did make sure it is updated to the latest version? (21194)

Update. Finally got into the dealer. His first answer was that I have to hook my phone to the Bluetooth. Huh? Then he said I just have to push the power button. Apparently look like an idiot. But it didn’t work, obviously. So then he did the “dealer” firmware update. Still no radio or Nav. Scheduled for the shop diagnostician in two weeks. Getting my moneys worth from my Wingman golf Bluetooth speaker. Which I highly recommend BTW.
Update 3. Took the Explorer in two weeks ago. They were able to pull the code, but it apparently also activates the nuclear arsenal and they won't give it to me. They said that they've ordered it but it's on backorder. Don't know how long it's going to be. So if there are any Ford experts on here, a time frame would be awesome. I also do know of an abandoned strip mall parking lot where they are holding a bunch of Escapes. If I happened to come into possession of an ACM, could they still install it? Just kidding, but I've made two car payments now and still don't have an operational radio.

It could be the acm but how does that relate to half the parking aid sensors working? Wonder if they checked for power at the acm? If it was my diag job I'd definitely make sure I'm getting power where it's supposed to. Checking fuses is a start but if the power leg going to the fuse is dead that won't help. I've seen a few of these smart junction boxes do funny things.

My 2020 Explorer Limited is doing the same exact thing with the radio not working... what ended up being the solution?

My 2020 Explorer Limited is doing the same exact thing with the radio not working... what ended up being the solution?
If you're on Sync 3 22251 or newer version, there are a slew of glitches appearing over the past several months. Ford really screwed it up this time. It gets worse every day as the memory fills up. Basically the system resets to a lot of default settings for the display and user preferences. A master reset or new hardware just puts a bandaid on it until the memory fills up again. The only solution is to go back to a year ago with the software or wait for the next update which hopefully fixes everything.

As far as I know, 3.4 22251 is the latest officially released version by Ford. It has been working for me without any issues.


My 2020 Explorer Limited is doing the same exact thing with the radio not working... what ended up being the solution?
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
It doesn't seem that a solution has been posted. FYI, the OP was last seen here on May 12, 2022, so likely isn't active here anymore. Have you taken the vehicle to the dealer to have it checked out?


Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
It doesn't seem that a solution has been posted. FYI, the OP was last seen here on May 12, 2022, so likely isn't active here anymore. Have you taken the vehicle to the dealer to have it checked out?

Thanks! I have not taken it to the dealer yet. I'm an over the road trucker and recently purchased this 2020 Explorer Limited to upgrade the wife's 2010 Explorer XLT.... Needless to say, I have had to listen to several complaints while on the road regarding this newer Explorer compared to her simple old Explorer.... figured I'd check here for solutions on it before spending the big bucks at the dealership!! Just trying to keep peace on the homefront 😉 lol!!





As far as I know, 3.4 22251 is the latest officially released version by Ford. It has been working for me without any issues.

It may be different for Lincoln than Ford version of the same software. Also since you have super low miles it will take longer for the memory to run out. Every key cycle and use of the Sync features further clogs up memory. I guess those who use Apple or Android navigation also use less of the onboard memory. I'm no software genius but amount of use will add up. I strictly use SiriusXM and onboard navigation and don't connect to Android auto. I also drive more than 30 miles a day with frequent short trips which add up.

It may be different for Lincoln than Ford version of the same software. Also since you have super low miles it will take longer for the memory to run out. Every key cycle and use of the Sync features further clogs up memory. I guess those who use Apple or Android navigation also use less of the onboard memory. I'm no software genius but amount of use will add up. I strictly use SiriusXM and onboard navigation and don't connect to Android auto. I also drive more than 30 miles a day with frequent short trips which add up.
I've been using 22251 in my Explorer since Ford first released it. So far none of this glitching for me. Just tossing this out there, it seems to me that the ones with these issues installed the updates early using Cyan Labs. I could be dead wrong but am just wondering.

I've been using 22251 in my Explorer since Ford first released it. So far none of this glitching for me. Just tossing this out there, it seems to me that the ones with these issues installed the updates early using Cyan Labs. I could be dead wrong but am just wondering.
I've never used Cyan Labs just WiFi over the air, if it works and if not USB downloaded update.

I've never used Cyan Labs just WiFi over the air, if it works and if not USB downloaded update.
There are so many people on F-150, Edge and Explorer forums with the same or similar problems all on the same version of the software with automatic updates turned on. They can't all have bad APIM's. The problems started as soon as 23088 was released and I tried to download and install it on WiFi. For a few days my account said I was on 23088 even though the screen said 22251. Ford promptly deleted 23088 from the website like it never existed and brought back 22251 as the most recent version. Since then it says I'm up to date on the Ford account website. The problems are getting progressively worse for me and many others. Now my screen stays on after I turn off the car and open the door. It goes off when I lock the door, instead of the ST animation sequence when you open the door.

I've never used Cyan Labs just WiFi over the air, if it works and if not USB downloaded update.
I said it looks like I could be wrong. Guess I was.

Thanks! I have not taken it to the dealer yet. I'm an over the road trucker and recently purchased this 2020 Explorer Limited to upgrade the wife's 2010 Explorer XLT.... Needless to say, I have had to listen to several complaints while on the road regarding this newer Explorer compared to her simple old Explorer.... figured I'd check here for solutions on it before spending the big bucks at the dealership!! Just trying to keep peace on the homefront 😉 lol!!
This may sound like a dumb question, but have you used the actual radio ON/OFF button to turn it ON?


Yes, it does nothing as well. Some days the radio and navigation decide they want to work and others, you dont get anything... definitely has a mind of it's own!!
This may sound like a dumb question, but have you used the actual radio ON/OFF button to turn it ON?


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Yes, it does nothing as well. Some days the radio and navigation decide they want to work and others, you dont get anything... definitely has a mind of it's own!!
I wonder if it could be a bad or failing ACM (Audio Control Module).

