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2021 Ford explorer hybrid,


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2021 Explorer Hybrid
Looking to purchase a 2021 Explorer hybrid and would like to know where the hybrid battery is located in the vehicle?

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The largest battery is under the 2nd row seats. There is also an underhood battery and one in the rear as well. More info in the thread I'm linking to.


Looking to purchase a 2021 Explorer hybrid and would like to know where the hybrid battery is located in the vehicle?
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:


Looking to purchase a 2021 Explorer hybrid and would like to know where the hybrid battery is located in the vehicle?
I have one with 18,000 miles AWD.

Looking to purchase a 2021 Explorer hybrid and would like to know where the hybrid battery is located in the vehicle?
The battery is underneath the the seats, from what I understand they charge themselves and no upkeep. Of course unless you have to replace them which I don’t think you would if it’s a 2021 have the same vehicle, like to keep in touch, so we can see each other’s good and bad on this particular vehicle. Take care & safe driving!
