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2024 Ranger XLT

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Does your dad let you take it? I’m
Almost 52 and I am barely allowed to drive my dads cars lol

Does your dad let you take it? I’m
Almost 52 and I am barely allowed to drive my dads cars lol
We've only had it 2 weeks or so now but I've driven it once solo and a few times with him! I'm super lucky haha love my dad Ive learned so much from him & done so much because of him!

Wow I’m sure he would be proud to read that! Good job!!

Wow I’m sure he would be proud to read that! Good job!!
Haha well without him I dont think Id be wrenching anywhere near the amount I do now! Couldnt do what I do without him!

I'm being candid, but I firmly believe that Ford should reward your contributions. As active participants in the Ford forum, you've helped countless individuals. A 20% discount on Ford vehicles would be a well-deserved recognition of your dedication.

If they gave me 20% off a new maverick or bronco raptor I might have to take a plunge that could be a $25000 savings these days hahaha

I'm being candid, but I firmly believe that Ford should reward your contributions. As active participants in the Ford forum, you've helped countless individuals. A 20% discount on Ford vehicles would be a well-deserved recognition of your dedication.
There'd be plenty of folks who'd deserve it! So my guess is thats too many people. Rick, Jamie, the lsit goes on, incluing other forums! There's the Ford A Plan for emplloyees thats a sticker-holdback-advert fee + some fee thats arond 300 last I remember. Thats probably my guess is a few grand off max for a 40k truck. I think before they give forum members discounts, they oughta increase the military/first responder one! At least forums sometimes you see a press truck!
If they gave me 20% off a new maverick or bronco raptor I might have to take a plunge that could be a $25000 savings these days hahaha
I saw a Bronc Raptor the other day... Wooweee!!!

Added weathertech door sill guards, seat covers

Next up- headlight film, installign the BakFlip (still boxed up), tailgate seals (so it's waterproof), mud flaps, the bed bracing (yep, apparently if you haul load and flex, they want you to install this bracing stuff), GMRS, and some pod lights. That should be it for a good minute. Stage 2 would probably be level and exhaust, but that's an entry for sometime in 2025.

Working on the tonneau & Keko seals. Decided to try dropping running board. What says yall? Keep it on or leave it off?



Took the Ranger for a stocker run today. Pops & I both drove both trucks ran the trail back to front swapped drivers went front to back.

Verdict is the Ranger does great offroad 2H & locker works really well 4H and locker very very good. A bit stiffer than the 4r & X but overall very very good! I like the stiffness the X over the whoops becomes a boat haha. The 4r is still the best ride offroad but Ranger a good second.







Bakflip MX4 installed & the keko seals. Needed some customization. Pics coming once I can see more than 2 feet in front of me.

Pods installed (physically) & GMRS wired. Still need to run the wiring for the fuse panel & relay. Also got molle panel

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Keep the running boards they are protecting the paint

Good to see father and son time based around fords!!!


Keep the running boards they are protecting the paint

Good to see father and son time based around fords!!!
10-4! Although I have mudflaps to install when I do the J brace so maybe then Ill see. The husky ones seem to cover alot haha.

Haha! Our time is based around our fruit & veggie garden, our Fords (& Toyotas & Subaru), the boat, fishing, and working on the house... cant beat it! Get to spend time w dad & be productive & learn new things- win win win!
