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2025 st -moms new ride

They wanted the v6 not the 4
She wanted the Blue color for sure
You can’t get the 25 in st-line with 6 cyl and platinum no blue, so had to go ST

I’m the one who built the st at ford dot
Com and then sent my parents the link to ones available within 100 miles lol
Next thing I know she has one
So it’s my fault they got the 400 horsies
And 415 ft lbs from a 3.0! Still
Blows me away on a production vehicle

Here are the new 18” wheels and studded snows




Looks proper for winter in the pnw
My dad is not one to come home with a lesser
Model hahaha they gave them 22k for her 18 platinum in trade which was a great price considering it’s been in two fender benders

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Hmmm 22k
That ford trade in program is pretty good huh

Well you know how it works that’s 22k on paper… I’m sure the actual cost was far less then that
They will Make more on her trade then they do on the sale of the new one I am sure

if the 2.3l i4 is insanely powerful to me I can’t imagine this 400 v6…. Must be fun

if the 2.3l i4 is insanely powerful to me I can’t imagine this 400 v6…. Must be fun
And you can’t even imagine what just a tune does on the STs. Close to 500 hp at the wheels, and over 550 at the crank.

They wanted the v6 not the 4
She wanted the Blue color for sure
You can’t get the 25 in st-line with 6 cyl and platinum no blue, so had to go ST

I’m the one who built the st at ford dot
Com and then sent my parents the link to ones available within 100 miles lol
Next thing I know she has one
So it’s my fault they got the 400 horsies
And 415 ft lbs from a 3.0! Still
Blows me away on a production vehicle

Here are the new 18” wheels and studded snows

View attachment 460483

View attachment 460484

View attachment 460485

Looks proper for winter in the pnw
My dad is not one to come home with a lesser
Model hahaha they gave them 22k for her 18 platinum in trade which was a great price considering it’s been in two fender benders
Sharp!!!! Those 18s are more like it ;) still has some meat on it!

Your dad & my family are the opposite we go in for an F150 come out with a Ranger, years ago we went in for an XLT came out with an XL hahaha, before that went in for an SR5 came out DLX hahaha (this one was before I was born so no first hand experience but so Ive been told)

Can you tune a 2.3L i4?
Like with a bolt on kit or something?
I’m sure you can. I’m referring to the STs 3.0L though. Tuning is not a kit, but altering the PCM to make more power.

The 2.3a have tunes available for them they make great power

The 2.3a have tunes available for them they make great power
I think 5 star livernois all the big names have a tune for the 2.3 its a relatively common engine to slap a tune on and mod since the mustangs

I think 5 star livernois all the big names have a tune for the 2.3 its a relatively common engine to slap a tune on and mod since the mustangs
5Star has had problems correctly tuning the 6g's 10r60 transmissions. Livernois is decent.

5Star has had problems correctly tuning the 6g's 10r60 transmissions. Livernois is decent.
Ahh got it. I only knew 5star from the Rangers which iirc came w the 10r80 (now its 10r60 curiously enough)

Mom is scared to drive this thing now hahahaha I can’t imagine getting it tuned for more power

Mom is scared to drive this thing now hahahaha I can’t imagine getting it tuned for more power
If it’s mom’s car who put her up to tuning it!? Hahahah I think I have an idea

Mom is scared to drive this thing now hahahaha I can’t imagine getting it tuned for more power
2025s aren’t tunable yet, so that’s an way to justify not getting it.

Still can’t imagine 400hp/tq
Explorer is a beast man
ST FTW - sickkkkk stock as it is

Not to be a fanboy but I still say explorer rules SUV/general overall vehicle best car under $50k(/60k for ST)

I mean I have always driven sedans and am still kinda getting used to the ford experience ; but I much prefer being in the explorer than any other car I’ve been in, except the Tahoe; now that was another pleasure; almost the same as the explorer just bigger - for a family of 5 , it’s too big since we don’t do much “outside stuff - “ we’re real city people unfortunately

But anyways congrats to moms again and have fun when you take it out; and be careful with all those horses

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