20th Anniversary All Ford Nationals, Jun 4-6 Carlisle, PA | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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20th Anniversary All Ford Nationals, Jun 4-6 Carlisle, PA


Explorer addict
Elite Explorer
August 27, 2001
Reaction score
Down by da river, hon
City, State
North East, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 Sport
In 2001, Explorer representation started at the All Ford Nats with a few goofy EF friends and three mildly modified SUVs. Seeing as to how this year is the 20th anniversary, I got the itch to celebrate one more time. The show starts on Friday June 4th and runs 'til Sunday June 6th, rain or shine. Anyone with an Explorer, Navajo, Mountaineer or Sport Trac is welcome to join myself and Morgan in class 811 (the class that took a decade of harassing the show organizers to make official), under the club name "Serious Explorations". Showfield registration is $65 but if you register before May 3, 2021 you'll get the discounted rate of $58.50:
Explorer Class Showfield registration

I'm pretty sure they'll put us on the backside of ******* Hill as usual but at this point let's be honest—nowadays we aren't showing off so much as getting together to BS. Hopefully we'll have a canopy for shade and a potluck BBQ. Most hotels In Carlisle are booked up already despite the pandemic, so we're staying at the Mechanicsburg Homewood Suites.
Homewood Suite reservations

We used to split the weekend into half-show, half-wheeling. As of now I'm planning for show only but if there's enough interest I'm sure we can set something up for spending Sunday at Rausch Creek or AOAA. Saturday evening around 6pm we'll be getting together for a group dinner regardless. Restaurant TBA.

Hope to see a bunch of old friends and new faces this summer!

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In 2001, Explorer representation started at the All Ford Nats with a few goofy EF friends and three mildly modified SUVs. Seeing as to how this year is the 20th anniversary, I got the itch to celebrate one more time. The show starts on Friday June 4th and runs 'til Sunday June 6th, rain or shine. Anyone with an Explorer, Navajo, Mountaineer or Sport Trac is welcome to join myself and Morgan in class 811 (the class that took a decade of harassing the show organizers to make official), under the club name "Serious Explorations". Showfield registration is $65 but if you register before May 3, 2021 you'll get the discounted rate of $58.50:
Explorer Class Showfield registration

I'm pretty sure they'll put us on the backside of ******* Hill as usual but at this point let's be honest—we aren't showing off so much as getting together to BS nowadays. Hopefully we'll have a canopy for shade and a potluck BBQ. Most hotels In Carlisle are booked up already despite the pandemic, so we're staying at the Mechanicsburg Homewood Suites.
Homewood Suite reservations

We used to split the weekend into half-show, half-wheeling. As of now I'm planning for show only but if there's enough I'm sure we can set something up for spending Sunday at Rausch Creek or AOAA. Saturday evening around 6pm we'll be getting together for a group dinner regardless. Restaurant TBA.

Hope to see a bunch of old friends and new faces this summer!

We'll drag our ****boxes up for the festivities 🤪

So if I put a horse on my grill can I sneak in as a Bronco? :p

Wow, 20 years! Where does the time go? We will definitely be there.

So if I put a horse on my grill can I sneak in as a Bronco? :p
You’d save everyone from ******* hill. They would think it’s a mustang

Fuddy duddy alert :(

I won't consider going unless I've got my shots in me. Sorry, but after seeing three friends in my car club die from COVID within the past couple months, I just don't want to risk it. My life may be different right now, and not as fun as it could be, but it's still a life.

I just want this crap to be done with!

BTW, Char has her first shot in her since she is high risk. I won't be getting mine until it's open to everyone, whenever that is:banghead:

Good news! Arizona opened up the vaccine to 55-65 year olds with no pre-existing conditions and I have an appointment for March 4! There is hope after all :chug:

Good news! Arizona opened up the vaccine to 55-65 year olds with no pre-existing conditions and I have an appointment for March 4! There is hope after all :chug:
All right y'all, if by some magic Rick makes it out here then we have GOT to take him four wheeling!

Is there any interest in the group going to AFN this year? I couldn't find where anyone talked about it last year.
