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2800-3000 RPM engine rattle/clatter

Tell them to take it for a test drive and insist that you go with them. Then refer them to the TSB. It's a known problem with a known working fix, can't deny you that. Also if you're still under the 3/36 warranty you'll still have no cost. It took my dealership about 2 days to do even though Ford gives them a 6.1 hour time frame. You don't want to rush the job. If they try to give you a rash of trash, I'd find another dealer.

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Its after 36K miles....so it will cost some serius cash. I will still pay 800 to fix it.

Well its in the shop right now. The dealership apparently knew all about it. he said its the tensioner that lets the timing chain slap against the wear guides. They are looking into it right now, plus my check engine light. He thinks the check engine light may be due to a certain sensor that goes bad and is under warrenty.

I guess I'll find out tommorow on this whole TSB 02-08-01 thing. They even knew the TSB issue as well. I guess maybe this issue is on the way to being resolved. Cross your fingers for me!!

I personally have had all of the TSB work pertaining to the timing system and intake performed except for 01M01 which I am currently looking into. Each one helped a little, but the real fixer that did alot was the $800 service my dealership did.
I really think the 01M01 will make my motor smooth as glass. Anyways, I can always hope....

$958 bucks. Thats what they want. I am going to check around and see if I can get it a bit cheaper. The problem is exactly what SWlathrop said. I am f'ing pissed that its so expensive. Also my sensor was bad as well and was fixed free.

If you have over 36k miles, good luck.
You might want to go over to www.flatratetech.com
They are a bunch of Ford dealership/repair guys that you will probably find seriously helpful. They may be able to find a way to lower the price considerably.
Good luck, I hope it works out

How far over 36,000 are you? You might be able to get your Dealer to AWA part of the cost. Or, if you have tools and are mechanically inclined, you could do the TSB yourself. It comes complete with step-by-step procedures. It's just time consuming. That'll save you the labor cost.

Its a major repair. They told me 10 hours of labor. Thats 500 hours of labor for me. I cant get the trans out either. If this was a 1990 explorer I would try......but a 2001 is too valuable.

For the repair, if it's the TSB issue, it's in the front of the engine, so the trans. shouldn't have to come out to fix it. IIRC if it's the rear chain, the engine has to come out, but the trans can stay in.

ok i checked the ford web page and put in the vin # for my explorer and it said their were no recalls for it?

i do have the engine ping in my 2001 sport between 2800 and 3000 rpm so is this covered under recall or not?

Not covered. Ford refuses to believe the problem. Mine is currently being fixed.

Originally posted by explorer82184
ok i checked the ford web page and put in the vin # for my explorer and it said their were no recalls for it?

i do have the engine ping in my 2001 sport between 2800 and 3000 rpm so is this covered under recall or not?

That is because it isn't a recall, it is a Technical Service Bulletin (TSB). The difference being, a recall is issued to fix a safety or emissions related problem at no charge to the consumer. A TSB is issued when Ford receives enough complaints about a problem and they find a way to fix it. A TSB will be performed at no charge if you are under warranty otherwise Ford will charge you to repair it. Just because a TSB is issued, does not make it a recall. There are probably 150-200 TSBs issued on my '97 Explorer. Only about 7 or 8 of them resulted in an actual recall.

well ****, im under 36k still but i just hit three years this month. now im pissed!!!:mad:

If you are within a month of the 36K warranty, it might be worth trying. Your Service Advisor does have some leeway in what he can do. If you are fortunate enough to have a good dealership, they might just bend a little. I know mine wouldn't.

BTW - how did you just hit 36 months this month? The '01s shoulddn't have been out until July or August of 2000. I would think as a minimum you would have a couple of months left. Maybe Ford released the '01 Explorers earlier than they usually did.

...stupid reply removed... :) I should learn to read more carefully. :)

just pulled out all the information and it was in march of 2000

Originally posted by mbryda
It's easy to do that - I have an '00 bought at the end of June, 2000 and now I'm almost at 70k. :(

I was talking to explorer82184. His pofile says he has an '01 but just hit 36 months in April '03. That would mean that he bought his '01 in April 2000. I didn't think they were out yet.

I'm new at this message board thing...can somebody tell me what TSB 02-08-01 is? aside from my birthday it means nothing to me.

and yeah i'm having the same problem...got an 03 FX4 and bought it new. this noise has been around for just over a year and i've now got 80,000 on it.

The dumb question is...if I don't fix the noise is the Earth going to come to an end? yup it's a annoying, but is it really a problem?


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in other words does anyone know of an actual catastrophic failure associated with this noise?

