2nd Gen Offroad all-in-one bumper idea | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2nd Gen Offroad all-in-one bumper idea


December 13, 2015
Reaction score
City, State
Houston, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Explorer xlt
I've been thinking about how much time I have spent with my Explorer and now that the engine is rebuilt and it runs well, I want to eventually invest a bit to ensure that a fender bender wont take it out.

Before I rebuilt the engine in my explorer I did have a small accident with it in which I rear-ended a camry, luckily the push bar I had installed at the time essentially ate the whole accident. I had pulled this bar off of a mall security? version in the junk yard, seems to have custom brackets that are poorly mounted and custom holes drilled in the push bar itself but I liked it. I have used it to push my dead jeep off the road, pushed a friends car, and pulled a wrangler up a driveway. its been really useful, so id like to keep it.

The problem is..... I want a winch.

and after that fender bender destroyed the reinforcement under the plastic bumper, I think its time to swap to something stronger.

I want to incorporate a push bar into a winch bumper which of course is going to have to be fabricated. but I do know of a bumper design id like to start off with. I found this on google which brought me to an etsy page a few years back for a ranger bumper. pictured here:


I love the way this looks. Now here is a picture of the push bar I currently have on my sploder:


Now if I could find someone, id like them to bring that brush guard center support forward to act as the push bar. Id be able to keep my lightbar, add a winch, and keep my fog lights all in one. Let me know what you think.

Now the guy on etsy used to sell the CAD files for this bumper but it appears the listing for this particular bumper is no longer up. Ill have to reach out again and see if he is still active.

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Cheaper options for a ranger would require a little dab to work on your explorer but not much


Make yourself a full-size CAD, cardboard aided design, mockup of what you want with good rigid cardboard and a packaging tape gun.
If there is something that you don't like about it, you can change it up here and there. The final version, cut the pieces apart from each other
and use as patterns and draw on some 3/16" steel plate to cut your metal pieces for the bumper. This was how it was done before computers.
Pencil and paper first, then make it full size out of carboard. Then steel.
The second link that Jamie posted might would be the way to go for the money. I would have a tendency to want to build it from scratch.


Make yourself a full-size CAD, cardboard aided design, mockup of what you want with good rigid cardboard and a packaging tape gun.
If there is something that you don't like about it, you can change it up here and there. The final version, cut the pieces apart from each other
and use as patterns and draw on some 3/16" steel plate to cut your metal pieces for the bumper. This was how it was done before computers.
Pencil and paper first, then make it full size out of carboard. Then steel.
The second link that Jamie posted might would be the way to go for the money. I would have a tendency to want to build it from scratch.
Honestly Leaning toward this idea. Most pre-builts are close but not exactly what I want. and the ones that are closer are harder to adapt. It will be interesting doing this with cardboard, and im not the best artist, but hey this may be fun.

I got a friend who would be willing to help/teach me to weld so no worries there. Ill try and share some markups when I save enough cardboard
