2nd gen PS pump on 1st Gen truck?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2nd gen PS pump on 1st Gen truck??


Explorer Addict
June 6, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Virginia Beach, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 4 Door Explorer XLT
Does anybody know if you can use a 2nd Gen power steering pump on a 1st Gen truck? I have blown 2 seals in my steering gearbox. I have a pump from a 2nd Gen truck(Rack & Pinion) in my 91. I am wondering if the rack power steering pumps are higher preasure than the older ones? It has worked fine for the past 2 or 3 weeks and today it just blew out the sector shaft seal AGAIN. :fire:

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I have a 5.0L PS steering pump (rack and pinion) hooked up to my 1988 style (gen I) steering box.

No more whine, it works perfect.

I used a 93 explorer high pressure line and it bolted up

I assume you are talking about the pump from a 4.0L powered Gen II, so it will bolt into your truck? They might very well be the exact same pump. The 5.0L pump is not.

Yea its off of a 96 I think. And yes I was so happy to not hear the wine anymore. I just can't believe that 2 seals have gone bad. The only thing I noticed is that the sector shaft rebuild kit comes with the presure seal shaft bushing and a wiper seal. There is not enough room for all of it. The first time I installed the 2 seals then the snap ring. It started leaking right away. I pulled it back out and installed a new kit with the preasure seal and bushing under the snap ring and used RTV to set the wiper seal over the top of them. The bushing is suppossed to limitshaft movement side to side. I assume the wiper seal is just for added protection but not to handle any preasure. I just want to be sure what I have will work incase I decide to replace the gearbox with a new one. So much for my Aussie locker, that was going to be my Christmas present to myself since we have a run next month. :mad:

Is the center point properly adjusted? if not, lotsa pitman shaft play can cause seal blow-out.


Dont feel but so bad. My steering box was leaking at the pitman arm shaft and I replaced the unit. Now the power steering pump is leaking. If it is not one thing it is another.

savagefan said:
Is the center point properly adjusted? if not, lotsa pitman shaft play can cause seal blow-out.

What do you mean by play? The new seal kit comes with a steel bushing that is suppossed to eliminate any kind of side to side movement. I adjusted it on the bench. The directions say to adjust it until there is free movement lock to lock with no binding.

Well I e-mailed a company called Cardone who builds these pumps and asked them the same question. They say it should be OK. The differnece is about 230 PSI. The newer pump is the higher of the 2. Also if what he said is correct, the pump should not cause my particular problem. His response is below. He also stated that a collapsed line could cause this problem, but I have never heard of that before.

The 20-247 max is 1550psi & the 250 is 1320psi. Remember, the pump doesn't create the high pressure, the box does. The pump only supplies pressure & when the wheel is turned, the valving in the box closes off & creates the high pressure.

When I replaced the ps pump in our 96 OHV it was the same pump as for my 94. Autozone and Napa both list the pumps as being the exact same part number.

Thats good to know. I guess every manufacture is differnet. Advance auto lists these 2 pumps I am talking about with difernet part numbers. I like the newer pump because there is no noise. I just wanted to rule out the pump. I will rebuild the gearbox again. If it blows again, I will replace it.
