2nd Gen rear wheel bearings | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2nd Gen rear wheel bearings

Everything came out smooth aside from the drain plug, nothing broken.

I'm sure I can get the plug out, its just a matter of finding a socket to fit in there. The extension doesn't fit because the thing is too rusty and the hole is now too small from all the rust build up.

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Penetrating oil and a few taps of a flathead/chisel and a hammer around the interior of the plug socket will take care of that.

Well thanks everyone. I got it out and got 'er all done. I'll have a relief pic later.

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Well done! How bad of a shape were the bearings?

Well done! How bad of a shape were the bearings?

They weren't bad at all. The axle was real smooth too. This was more of a preventative. I knew the fluid could use a change and I figured if I'm in there why not do the bearings. This should complete the rear end for the life of the vehicle. It already has 220k km and if it makes it to 320k I'm happy.

I was hoping someone can help answer this for me.

I have the weird whining noise coming from the rear of my Explorer. I went under to take a look and I noticed that I have some sort of fluid leaking out of the back of a tire. Not exactly tire, but if you are looking at the backside of your tire area there is a plate that covers the rotor. This plate looks to be attached to the axle and the fluid is coming out of there. It is not watery like brake fluid and the lines all look fine. So:

Does this rear differential fluid also fill into the axle? If so then I am going to assume that I might have bad bearings and/or bad seals.

