2nd Gen Retrofit question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2nd Gen Retrofit question


Elite Explorer
March 14, 2011
Reaction score
Kansas City, MO
City, State
Kansas City, MO
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 EB Explorer 5.0
Ever since I did my retrofit a couple years ago. I'm always seeing other cars with the really bright factory HID projector setups and sometimes at night one of those cars will pass me and their lights are so much brighter than my HID Projector setup. So my question is what some of you guys are running as far as different H1 bulb and ballasts setup aside from what you order with your Bi-xenon Morimoto Mini Kit. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

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Can the Mini H1s handle a 55w kit?

I run Philips 4300K D2S bulbs in my Bi-xenon retro setup

Can the Mini H1s handle a 55w kit?

Yes they can. I had the 55 watt kit there for a bit but didn't like the light output and unfortunately one of the ballasts went out quickly and come to find out TRS got a bad batch of ballasts in at the time.

I run Philips 4300K D2S bulbs in my Bi-xenon retro setup

And how do you like those? They will fit into the Morimoto Mini h1's? Along with the 9007 wiring adapter?

Yes they can. I had the 55 watt kit there for a bit but didn't like the light output and unfortunately one of the ballasts went out quickly and come to find out TRS got a bad batch of ballasts in at the time.

They will honor their warranty and give you new ballasts.

And how do you like those? They will fit into the Morimoto Mini h1's? Along with the 9007 wiring adapter?

The Mini H1s only work with H1 bulbs, the D2S work with the Mini D2S set ups. They are actually quite a bit different.

I think you just need a quality 55 watt kit with 4300K bulbs, and that'll give you the highest output.

The more blue the bulb (Higher Kelvin), the less light output you'll get.

They will honor their warranty and give you new ballasts.

The Mini H1s only work with H1 bulbs, the D2S work with the Mini D2S set ups. They are actually quite a bit different.

I think you just need a quality 55 watt kit with 4300K bulbs, and that'll give you the highest output.

The more blue the bulb (Higher Kelvin), the less light output you'll get.

Yeah the issue I had getting new one was that I couldn't find the order number and for some reason around that time their website got a makeover and my order history was gone so that wasn't much help at all and I emailed them about it and got nowhere so I just gave up and went back with my 35w Ballasts.

I'll def have to look into the Mini D2S setup. Curious to how much of a difference there is between both kits. But when i had my 55w ballasts, the light def changed to where it looked like a halogen bulb in the projector and didn't like that at all. I love that cool white look not the warm white look. I currently have the 5000K bulbs. But def will order 4300K with 55 watt ballasts probably here this summer. Thanks for the info guys.

I don't know about the intensity compared to other HID. There brighter then my OEM lights were that's all I care about. I like the amount of light it puts onto the ground in front of me 10X better then my stock headlights. But lately I have not been using my HID's at all since putting on a pair of 48W LED spot lights. I been using those as my headlights.

I'm going to do a retrofit this summer, need to decide between Mini H1 and Mini D2S.

D2S just has so many more bulb options.

I don't know about the intensity compared to other HID. There brighter then my OEM lights were that's all I care about. I like the amount of light it puts onto the ground in front of me 10X better then my stock headlights. But lately I have not been using my HID's at all since putting on a pair of 48W LED spot lights. I been using those as my headlights.

Wouldn't mind seeing a picture of that if you have one.

I'm going to do a retrofit this summer, need to decide between Mini H1 and Mini D2S.

D2S just has so many more bulb options.

I would go with the D2S then. Thinking now of doing another retrofit to try the mini D2S.

Wouldn't mind seeing a picture of that if you have one.

My HID retro or the LED's
These are the LED's I run as my headlights. You can see the HID behind in the headlights. I'll take some night pictures tonite post them later..


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The LED lights this is what I mostly use as my headlights. I actually have them aiming downward cause there so bright.


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The HID retro headlights you can see the nice clean cutoff line along the fence. These put out a lot more coverage from left to right. But I just like using my LED's instead cause they just look cooler..


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Your HIDs seem a bit dim and dull..

That's odd.

um.. no its bright way brighter then OEM. I wanted to show what I think is more realistic photo. Here a photo taken in night mode on my camera. It makes it look really bright the photo too bright in that mode


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Looks good. If only they were normally that bright like the night mode on your camera. Mine are starting to look dim and I don't like it at all.
